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4 Y4 [) o, s$ j9 S& C) Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb今天是「立春」,乃廿四節氣中為首的第一個節氣,代表著丁酉年正式開始。
. i$ _% e4 ~5 P' bos.tvboxnow.com2 g7 G* K9 ?; A4 f
由於是一年之始,開一個好頭十分重要,在立春這個節氣內,即23日至18日,大家要保持心境愉快,不要亂發脾氣,不要與人爭吵,否則全年都會脾氣不好、不開心。推而廣之,要想這一年過得如何,就要在這十五天之內做對的事,譬如如果想未來一年身體健康,這十五天內要盡力做持身體健康,避免去看醫生。公仔箱論壇5 J2 Z/ w) U# {5 t

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/ R; U2 D& K, R4 r( w7 {tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb除此以外,
7 \5 r) K1 c5 v% ]公仔箱論壇今天晚上還要早點睡,在立春之前睡著。丁酉年的立春時間在23日晚上1133分,所以今晚最好在11點之前上床。在交接氣之前睡著覺,可讓未來一年都會過得順利。

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tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 t9 M" l; v6 r) v9 \9 U! f
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is mystery,
Today is a gift, that is, a present!
哎呀. 其實立春日是在2 3 , 並不是在5 , 非常抱歉., K# u5 }& n6 d' X. N! V
os.tvboxnow.com0 g3 E( ~1 V% B
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is mystery,
Today is a gift, that is, a present!
Something interesting I found out is that before the 立春日 it was still the year of the monkey, and only from the 立春日 the year of the chicken starts.  I wonder why?
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is mystery,
Today is a gift, that is, a present!