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[其它] ipad2 and Android 3.0 Tab Which One Better?

If Buy Ipad2 u Must Choosing 64G because if u r gamer sure u have no enough space.
If Buy android basic 16G is more than enough, because u can add sdcard with more space.
tab better, because more port: SD, USB..
but I brought iPad2.
basically android 3.0 is just an experiment, no worth to buy yet, on the other hand, ipad2 is just a larger screen phone, tablet is meant to be function like a netbook, well, i didn't see ipad2 does that, yet.
點解依家仲有人話ipad 2係一個大屏幕手機? 平板同手機好難分別嗎?
不過言論自由, 我都唔反對 :)
已經有d企業, 政府部門或學校開始用ipad, 連我個女間小學都問家長好唔好用ipad上堂.
睇ipad銷路就知道佢好唔好, 當然佢唔係十全十美, 都有好多缺點, 但主要睇你點用.

全球調查:港人最愛iPad!每6人就有1人擁有 (炒家太多)