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today 5/11 nia
* s* K: o" o8 O5 q2 K0 }5 A5 b2 \* m公仔箱論壇LonelyPlanet 發表於 2011-11-5 11:29 AM
$ f3 `. M) ~+ @' M" \0 Z- M
4 f6 R& _9 M# n1 Z$ Z0 j+ n! JDo you receive the 豪哥 h/p?
1326# raiden10991 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  p9 s8 z/ `2 ?5 p2 W9 U
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! j6 _! G0 Q0 ]) N, B) r% g
She sis bo came out~ T.T
tonight will be a hard fight !! my master lonely planet XDD
% u$ \4 a! S6 i+ l0 \& y5 X+ Zhave fun !!
1316# raiden10991 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* {& }0 @& @. w+ v/ E+ Z  A" e
, x; e. _1 x' D: c9 ?  S9 E7 d
wow ~ u same age wif me leh os.tvboxnow.com! B: b$ B8 i) r2 k
i also cant eat (reason f**k her like f**k my own mother,feel like that la); u( m) n3 V) B) n7 J" \9 ?
神雕coco GFE rate how many ?? catch someday i wanna try d XDDD
本帖最後由 hensonctq 於 2011-11-5 09:01 PM 編輯
' f+ l" V2 z$ w3 l/ I" Cos.tvboxnow.com
8 u+ g, `: Z2 |公仔箱論壇wah lau.. just find out about this place nia..
' ?" Q$ n8 V: e; l# o7 |should come in years ago lah... jiak lat
today go shen diao there to find new girls cant shen diao say they will available at 5 pm , but i have arrive shen diao there , so swt , so he intro Coco(she say might back at 9) to me . How a , nvm g ...
8 `$ t8 I! N' ~& B7 k$ [' w5 b+ n" zraiden10991 發表於 2011-11-5 12:45 AM
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 g$ G/ z9 D9 t, S4 e) c& c1 j

) j% Q; `& G8 ^8 G2 `hiao a? I like la.. TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ g" ^: U  w& g5 h
where is this shen diao?
1316# raiden10991 公仔箱論壇# k4 l! U  V/ v0 A" C6 K+ O
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 h7 o7 w8 t$ X% i+ k1 ^/ z
wow ~ u same age wif me leh tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ q$ i, e! r' T/ z4 ?
i also cant eat (reason f**k her like f**k my own mother,feel like that la)tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. k$ P% c: p& b3 Y6 M8 J% e5 w
神雕coco GFE rate how many ?? catch someday i wanna try d XDDD
: o! v# ]3 H! P4 g' E7 dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbreykiean 發表於 2011-11-5 06:00 PM
2 S2 u+ U. O  Q# Y/ J& y- x) b
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 d% f8 |' A7 T
GFE : 8/10 . (quit good ).公仔箱論壇% b  K; B1 p" f- O8 I
Yes loh , fxxking her , feel like fxxking own mother, now just can pray for loney planet to get her sister number ^^公仔箱論壇7 |% n% C* |4 j" k* n
*We should make a friend , so that we can come out for fun easily . Want to change h/p number bo? 6 s+ N- i! C3 ?1 L6 |7 S. j
天下狼友是一家族. ^^
本帖最後由 reykiean 於 2011-11-6 10:32 AM 編輯 8 N6 R8 x- z9 _: f2 i) U2 Z' k# f6 ?
) b5 y1 u3 e8 K1 V6 e8 |7 p
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& T4 ?$ A2 y6 e  V7 H
/ f* y. u" H3 h5 L. r; O
GFE : 8/10 . (quit good ).
8 h. c4 }! b' ?! g9 N7 m! U8 Mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbYes loh , fxxking her , feel like fxxking own mother, now just can pray for loney planet to get her sister number ^^! ?* d8 i, T  ~7 S
*We should make a friend , so that we can come out  ...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 |' f6 L3 Z: i: _: J8 i' k
raiden10991 發表於 2011-11-5 09:36 PM
, q: I  l4 |  P, cTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。os.tvboxnow.com/ J! u. v$ D3 S, m# ^" i2 N
8 b1 K6 u( d/ o9 H* T
but she look quite nice eh , 1st time i saw her i though she is chinese ~.~ but not my cup tea lah~~haha
7 |9 _4 e. |) n7 H- K' y/ E% V% g  Tos.tvboxnow.combut some'one' put aeroplane yesterday XDD lonely got tell u yesterday night go voodoo rite ? but s***a feel no well , so he didn't go~~
0 x+ L3 V& X+ jmy number pm u d , nice to meet u friend ^^os.tvboxnow.com' v  s; g2 q& O6 N
my fr will post later XDDD
% _! a, ^- F6 v9 hTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。昨晚拜六5/11,就打算约埋lonely师父一起去voodoo喝酒抱美眉,可是最后lonely师父的girl生病,就我另一个女生去,称她为 J 吧。好了,到了十点半左右,开始上路去槟城,一路去到b.ferringhi去载J。到她宿舍,上车,哪里知道她说喝完后她要去男友家过夜,我听了有点失望,还是自己回家在厕所打飞机了 T.T tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ D% N/ D' a/ R
到那边后,walao 干呐的勒!人多到像海这样,我们十二点到那边,在外面等,逼我找汗流妈的 == ok,终于拿到order了,我们就像个小情侣这样手牵手进去了 ~ 美位肯定是没了,拜六加上有人birthday,就跟我做工的干姐的朋友一起喝。就普普通通咯,喝酒摇头抱抱,J还几大声说她上次喝4支大罐carlsberg加埋载她朋友回家都不能醉,哇,是真是假我知道,每次我跟她喝她没有一次是不醉的!就一直拼命跟她灌酒咯,刚好那位仁兄开烈酒,又没什么喝,我跟她就帮忙他咯 ~ 我喝半杯只放冰块没参,她喝半杯放冰块再参点cola就跟我讲不能顶了,我想这次完了啦,都不知道怎样跟她男友交代了。硬硬撑到2点多,就扶她上车,问她5次要去哪里她都没回答,我就说回你的宿舍她就说好。就一路载她回去,接着J叫我打给她男友,我麻打咯,第1次接时候,那时我知道她男友也是去mois罢了(我过后才知道的),听到声音很静,又有女生声(感觉是喝醉了,一直吵着说帅哥帅哥的),问他在哪里又支支吾吾的,又问回我噢,我就骗他说我在大桥了,你的女友回她宿舍了,他就噢一声就关了。该来的终于来了,到J宿舍后,刚好她又穿高跟鞋,问我可以背她上去吗噢,我就说可以啊(机会1次,选择在手中,不吃吃自己)就这样上lift,我们双方都保持沉默。os.tvboxnow.com$ K/ s) o6 r; S" `4 Y3 ~
到了,她进到以后我就假假问:3 H2 i( f4 q! }+ l
可以上个厕所吗?从你醉的那时我就没上到厕所耶6 M% M0 d1 @, g; I9 P& P3 @
- U) h0 C3 V2 cos.tvboxnow.com我:总不比你醉吧 哈哈 还好你没醉到把我当男友了咯 哈哈哈(试这招的效果好吗)
1 s) i/ @! B- Z, L哪里知道J直接回我:那你今晚暂时当我男友,今晚我就当你女友咯.......os.tvboxnow.com, L' @! V" ~0 X
我心里爽到high high叫了!我微笑了下,直接把她给抱紧,接着接吻,舌吻,慢慢脱掉她的外套,从嘴吻到耳,颈,就直接把她整个人给抱起,J叫了一下又偷偷地笑,进到房间,床还是单人床,还好是没床架,就慢慢把她放下来,除去她背心,胸罩,当然我的嘴也没停止过。直到脱光光时,在准备举枪开战时,就想起,kiong kan liao !没套套勒,这次真的4896料,不过她好像读到我心似的,就说没关系,今天是安全期,嘿嘿嘿!我就不客气了!普通招数,男上女下,J声音叫得很自然啊,觉得在跟女友做爱这样,接着就观音坐莲,她蛮有经验下的,看着那2粒摇啊摇,真的就只差那么一点我就要开炮了,还好有lonely师父的指点哈哈哈!又换狗狗状态,八浅二深,顺便抓木瓜,难得奶子会这么厉害摇,不抓好可惜啊。觉得时候了,就换回boy up girl down,直接开nos,把标准速度提升至180km/h,啊啊timing要来了,抱紧她,J的声音也越来越放,啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!砰!我的子子孙孙就这样去了仙花洞里了。就帮她清理干净,tisu抹一抹,两个就抱着紧紧躺着,J说今天的事当作没发生过吧,我就微笑下,问她额头后又继续躺。这样半睡半醒地到6点了,哇,她还真的睡了,连声音都有,服了她 ~ 接着匆匆忙忙地穿上衣裤后,再次问她额头就离去了,当作kiss goodbye吧 哈哈 ~ TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, Y1 p* w$ \# O' d: K" A/ S

1 Y5 {3 ^+ b  B  X1 W公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  h5 ?. y' [0 l' D# I
名字:J** J**
* w; q9 y6 j5 K3 q$ Ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvb年龄:20tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. `- P; R0 @) B1 Q+ R4 N/ U
身材:5/10 (赢在大奶,输在稍微胖点,肉肉好手感)
8 s* G# i1 D1 S+ ~  D: W8 u4 \) l公仔箱論壇所在地:penang batu ferringhi公仔箱論壇. u9 L9 ~- R+ b: a
HJ:没有(直接进入战场了)tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) w6 C1 d2 t5 z6 _2 B
" V. ?( @# E$ yFJ:8.5/10(很配合,差点败在女上男下)
4 i) @. y! p( g  _4 S" iGFE:8/10(可以给更高,很好谈,不过醉了谁还会喜欢讲话呢,除了讲有的没的)
- D. B( y) A$ G8 [6 bTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Sound System:8/10 很自然,越做越久,声音越来越美,相信她的form起了
& k" l0 }& @) z$ k公仔箱論壇DMG:过桥RM7+油钱RM30(lap关系)+1桶carlsberg RM78
3 o' a; S8 y0 p, S& I! P, _3 d  X% C3 Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 v. Y$ s- h7 s: R& ~) A
p/s:先通知好了,各位狼友不用pm跟我讨号码,她不是出来所谓的面包,只是日子久了我跟她熟了,因为有好几次我都失败了,所以不一定好马不吃回头草的 ~ 在此祝各位狼友们身体健康,性福常来 ~
4 n2 X' o# K" u, GTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。by the way , 借这篇fr再次感谢lonely师父的指点 XDDD
reykiean, nice FR!!!公仔箱論壇) x0 Q6 i  E4 S, o2 u2 z
but pls, all bro pls, dun sifu sifu, we r at the same level, we r all sharing.
& [. P' U( b% n" ?3 Z$ G+ Fos.tvboxnow.com7/11-13/11 ryan: _, N% ?- @) S1 Z: f- e( ^0 B
14/11-20/11 raiden
8 Y. @# z* a' Wos.tvboxnow.com21/11-27/11 alan
, M. }4 z- y. j+ w& I公仔箱論壇today is 6/11, but ryan oledi success to date shexxx, kambateh bro!!! waiting 4 ur FR
本帖最後由 LonelyPlanet 於 2011-11-6 10:52 PM 編輯 公仔箱論壇4 o! @' F# K" P3 f; o1 f

) J! c/ t" k: j$ Aknn reykiean, 还180km/h,还sound system,哈哈哈!
本帖最後由 Coswest 於 2011-11-6 11:18 PM 編輯
: B* g2 S: e: @0 Y. {! |
; Y! B! {  V2 [# h/ p1 xtoday finally able to Farlim roti. around 4pm like that call her, and that time she eating something, so i ask her free or not later want go out have dinner. She said Ok, then meet at 6pm. so drive to her house and fetch her. before i went to her house, she call come, later go eat liao want go where? i said, seee where you want to go loh. i ask why ? you very rush meh? she said no lar, later eat liao sure got do something mah, you dont 'keh keh' lar . so i think from my mind, MCB she more hiong than me loh, i said ok, later u will know!. So after that, bring her go town have dinner first. She say, at night cannot come out so later, until 8pm only and she must reach home. i see my watch, 7.pm..hmm still have 1 hour can eat her, suddenly inside my car she said her birthday want come liao, want go see flower. i said keong kan liao...want me buy her flower. reach flower shop, see that one, pick that one. then talk talk talk until want buy. then somemore want top up teddy bear. wahhhh. after that i brain wash her, say dont want liao. She changed her mind want go prangin mall, i said, are you SURE?? now already 7.20pm, you 8pm want reach home already. she say can lar can lar, ok i bring her go. reach there, see clothes and skirt. LJ betul shopping, i keep wait there. and i totally waste RM140 bucks! for her birthday present.bought her 2 clothes and 1 short pants. Kan neh, i boh huat loh. since her birthday coming. she walk for few shops, some she select 3 clothes, i said, 3 you only can choose 1! ai lai mai suak! then guai guai choose 1.if not i liao money man!! then we walk walk until handphone shop, wah somemore want handphone, i said dont look at me, i not afford to buy you. then guai guai go other place. so late already, i bring her go home around 8.30pm. Inside the car, i said, happy boh? i buy you so much things, she said happy and thank you me.(kiss on my face) then how you going to "thank you me?" she said, next week! because this week AV coming!! arrr....sien liao ..somemore go home that time, ask me RM10bucks for hp phone top up, @*&^$@^ take lar take lar RM10.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 {# \- _: L' |5 H; l+ G2 s

6 G: k% ?7 T, f: k3 ^1 X公仔箱論壇so guys, this week dont need eat this  roti lia, since AV coming. really no kangtao today.haiz waste around RM140+ (if i know, i better buy her flower, only RM100) so next week, i have to diao her kao kao x 99 to earn back. but really her body have kind some smell, and the way she talking guai guai, dont know how to describe. those bro kan her before will know. this is end of my part 1 FR. 2nd FR coming soon. thanks for lonely bro :D
today finally able to Farlim roti. around 4pm like that call her, and that time she eating something, so i ask her free or not later want go out have dinner. She said Ok, then meet at 6pm. so drive to ...3 W% B. P. D  C+ U0 z- g  `
Coswest 發表於 2011-11-6 11:06 PM
os.tvboxnow.com; y: Q! @3 s& _3 F" f
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  p: w1 L' D# G/ |7 w+ [4 L
She today also ask me out at night, lucky me bo go.
reykiean, nice FR!!!1 k( ^8 G! s# o/ P: H: y
but pls, all bro pls, dun sifu sifu, we r at the same level, we r all sharing.
7 E3 ^, i) }5 L; {* h) y5 A( Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7/11-13/11 ryanTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 O( i7 e2 q7 O2 B# j9 Z
14/11-20/11 raidenos.tvboxnow.com& N; \  p& y: R! b/ F
21/11-27/11 alan
5 t9 r9 B8 C# r. N0 T, |0 otoday is 6/11, but ryan oledi success to date sh ...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 D* @9 l8 u2 Q# ]) [! H8 s
LonelyPlanet 發表於 2011-11-6 10:42 PM
2 ]% J& ?6 I* L/ J4 S7 m* q6 ?公仔箱論壇  W: A. W2 Q. H4 g9 z( g
Haven't sucess to date her out la, just call up & build a relationship 1st nia...
ryan, aiyo, sure is urs liao yeh lah wakakaka!tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& u2 F% L  E" ~3 z
coswest, it seems like u too kind~~~~~~~~