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Hello ~ I just try one "Tomyam" at pudu hotel there. Not bad. Like girl friend feel. 25 yrs old. Name "Flora", damage RM148.
HI.. can pm me where the place at old klang road and thier number??? After try if feeling good, then i'll intor to you some place as well...
can pm me...
pm me also
can pm me too. [email protected]
1# who3815
" ~& @0 O* o! j8 e2 A' `公仔箱論壇bro how to contact you...: ~) l% k9 w* u- U% o( q
os.tvboxnow.com0 T: D0 ?# x4 v1 D, k
please e-mail to here [email protected]
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2# who3815
7 T' \8 R: h0 V. ?# ]5 |; _  P
# t* D- k: ^' J0 x) R% W2 Mos.tvboxnow.com
8 z* e! Y+ e9 {$ N$ m2 `+ {TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。she is thai girl or ?? thanks. this girl very nice and pretty, where she live ? may i have her contact number ? speaking english ??
Name: 啊BELLos.tvboxnow.com) H! s: I$ n3 `# I: p" g
Age: 22
$ I4 {0 C( v% t8 s6 p1 |样貌: 8/10 (年轻貌美)公仔箱論壇$ J& z% m8 ?- v  Q/ _
身材: 8/10 (不肥不瘦)
! O* V0 O2 M  H; a! L! X4 oTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。波: 9/10  (盖手咪咪)
% a8 b2 H, c9 c9 {- |2 BHJ: 0/10  (沒試過)公仔箱論壇* F3 U2 e2 X6 f7 e% L1 D# \9 P. U& O
BBBJ: 10/10 (卫生,不过舔得也蛮舒服的)os.tvboxnow.com/ c* J/ |- X- ^
Catbath: 8/10 (没多少经验)
; E- b, ~  ~+ ^tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbML : 9/10 (表情十足,还 ...
- e5 H  M; j; Q8 Ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwho3815 發表於 2009-4-27 11:20 PM
+ A0 h( j$ O. j. W2 p8 ^% w: g) `may i have her contact ? speaking what ? and she is thai girl ? .. thanks
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