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早晨,今日个网速度几好喔,不过可能无人的关心; ^, b8 E. B' @$ L9 \7 m) |; i; H0 p
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C 兄早晨  
C 兄早晨,夜鬼们全部未起身
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La Tomatina is a festival that is held in the Valencian town of Bunol, located inland from the Mediterranean Sea, that brings together thousands of people for one big tomato fight – purely for fun! It is held on the last Wednesday of August, during the week of festivities of Bunol. One theory – the most popular of many theories - about the origins of the “fight” dates back to 1945, when (during a parade) young men staged a brawl in the town’s main square, the Plaza del Pueblo. There was a vegetable stand nearby, so they picked up tomatoes and used them as weapons. The police had to intervene to break up the fight and forced those responsible to pay the damages incurred.; V9 k4 @% \. V5 _
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