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原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-4-12 05:14 AM 發表

嘩! 估唔到一向斯文的 水水 會做呢D 野喎! 唔好殺錯良民呀! 我企埋一邊睇野咋!
原帖由 ForeverEver 於 2009-4-10 07:45 PM 發表

you are staying at which part of canada???
malaysia timezone is GMT+8...
don worry...i will come in mess everyday if i am free at work....
btw,you are studying or working???
I live in Vancouver, British Columbia~
GMT+8..~? I'm not really sure..~, it should be more than that..?
That's great..~  come here more often..~!
Do I work or study..~?  I had already said "Bye Bye" to my school for more than ten years....~!
What do you think...~?

原帖由 h2o 於 2009-4-11 01:37 AM 發表

now just doing graffiti on your wall
next time will bring "dark dog blood"
Water brother..~!!  You're so admirable..~!!!
I like it..~!!

原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-4-10 01:52 AM 發表
Time goes fast..~!!!  Is time to say bye bye..~!!!

原帖由 h2o 於 2009-4-11 07:13 AM 發表

Water brother..~!!!  I mentally support you from the bottom of my heart..~!!!
Time to take an action..~!!!

原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-4-11 01:14 PM 發表

嘩! 估唔到一向斯文的 水水 會做呢D 野喎! 唔好殺錯良民呀! 我企埋一邊睇野咋!
Manyiu~!!!  We both are the audience..~
Stay cool, relax.., and you'll see what it's gonna happen..~
Shhhhh...~!  We better be quite..~!

原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 2009-4-11 05:11 PM 發表
That's right~!!  Dickson..~!!  Can you reserve two more 凳子 for Manyiu and Fly..?

原帖由 h2o 於 2009-4-11 05:37 PM 發表

now just doing graffiti on your wall
next time will bring "dark dog blood"
waohhhh....nice art....can't believe that you are so artistic...
you have potential to be boss of those "money borrower" company...
because you have way to ask them to reply back your money
原帖由 h2o 於 2009-4-11 06:45 PM 發表

sounds a bit horrible...but if this can make your owner of the thread appear, can make a try....
nowadays little brother is so scary....i have to have be more careful here...
Hi, forever n fly, just say hi!
原帖由 h2o 於 2009-4-11 11:13 PM 發表

remember to aim to the right target....
we are all in his house...quite dangerous....
原帖由 fly814 於 2009-4-12 09:34 AM 發表

I live in Vancouver, British Columbia~
GMT+8..~? I'm not really sure..~, it should be more than that..?
That's great..~  come here more often..~!
Do I work or study..~?  I h ...
ohhh...Vancouver...i think should be 15-16 hours behind....my time now is 10.05am....
then you might be big brother to me....
i leave graduate school around 2 years...
原帖由 fly814 於 2009-4-12 09:44 AM 發表

Manyiu~!!!  We both are the audience..~
Stay cool, relax.., and you'll see what it's gonna happen..~
Shhhhh...~!  We better be quite..~!
me & cat bone are audience too....
let's see what will happen next...
原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-4-12 09:59 AM 發表
Hi, forever n fly, just say hi!
manyiu...did we met before???
you looks familiar to me....
原帖由 fly814 於 2009-4-12 09:44 AM 發表

Manyiu~!!!  We both are the audience..~
Stay cool, relax.., and you'll see what it's gonna happen..~
Shhhhh...~!  We better be quite..~!
Of course be quiet, 近排D"印印" 幫會仇殺, happening in Vancouver East, Delta....etc. so scare. so I am used to keeping quiet la!