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原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-3-5 09:57 PM 發表

個個都知....why I don't know
you should tell me earlier la
I am very nice to girls   
I'm very nice to girls, too..~~

原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-3-6 07:41 PM 發表
Miss kitty..
I'm here..~!!!
Are you still there...~?

原帖由 fly814 於 2009-3-7 01:32 PM 發表

Miss kitty..
I'm here..~!!!
Are you still there...~?
原帖由 toyo88 於 2009-3-8 01:56 發表
Hi toyo !
撞 what 彩 ar ?  
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 lhy92725 於 2009-3-7 14:42 發表

hi kitty, nice to meet u !
Your pic is cute !!
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-3-6 13:36 發表

I think jar
if you are a girl, he not pay you.....I will pay you
Good !
I will let u be the gentleman !!
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 boy12 於 2009-3-8 04:55 AM 發表

Good !
I will let u be the gentleman !!
there are so many replies and you only focus on this one


Blue Blue, how are you!
原帖由 boy12 於 2009-3-8 04:55 AM 發表

Good !
I will let u be the gentleman !!
Why you two fighting again?
原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-3-8 06:13 AM 發表
Blue Blue, how are you!
manyiu manyiu....long time no see la


原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-3-8 06:14 發表

Why you two fighting again?
No fight woo, just trying to give bobo a chance G ma !!
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~

回應 boy12 第 6717 篇文章

how was ur trip ar
原帖由 boy12 於 2009-3-8 06:47 AM 發表

No fight woo, just trying to give bobo a chance G ma !!
just because you call me booboo....not going to help you

