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原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 2009-2-12 07:23 AM 發表
你有壞話俾人說咩? 查到邊個呀? 哈!
原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-2-12 07:24 AM 發表

少有喎! 咁健康呀!
原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-2-12 07:27 AM 發表

你有壞話俾人說咩? 查到邊個呀? 哈!
原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-2-11 02:36 PM 發表

Hi, fly, after lunch, do you feel so full? ha ha!
Not really..~   I had my lunch at McDonald

原帖由 fly814 於 2009-2-12 07:44 AM 發表

Not really..~   I had my lunch at McDonald
McDonald? Super! I remember when I was grade 2, my mom deliverd a McDonald lunch (happy meal) for me, my classmaters are watering, one of them rob my clip! ha ha!

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McDonald is no good...fast food---> make you fat and unhealthy
don't eat McDonald...both of you


原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-2-11 03:59 PM 發表

McDonald? Super! I remember when I was grade 2, my mom deliverd a McDonald lunch (happy meal) for me, my classmaters are watering, one of them rob my clip! ha ha!

Your mother was taken good care of you and she treated you like a little princess..~  which is very much appreciated..~
When I was young.., I used to have instant noodle after school..
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原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-2-11 04:05 PM 發表
McDonald is no good...fast food---> make you fat and unhealthy
don't eat McDonald...both of you
I know..., blueblue..~
I got no choice.., McDonald is the only option..~
I was in a rush.., my job is now getting tougher and tougher..~!
If I had an option.., I certainly wanna get a steak instead of McDonald..~

原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-2-12 08:05 AM 發表
McDonald is no good...fast food---> make you fat and unhealthy
don't eat McDonald...both of you
衰 Blue Blue, 俾你打死左,唔洗食啦!
Anyway.., what's you guys favorite fast food..~??

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原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-2-11 04:54 PM 發表

衰 Blue Blue, 俾你打死左,唔洗食啦!
Coz.., BlueX2 always has a delious dinner from his girlfriend..~

What a lucky guy...~

Is time to leave.., see you guys laters...

原帖由 fly814 於 2009-2-12 08:37 AM 發表

I know..., blueblue..~
I got no choice.., McDonald is the only option..~
I was in a rush.., my job is now getting tougher and tougher..~!
If I had an option.., I certai ...
busy life.....I understand.....just stay healthy


原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-2-12 08:54 AM 發表

衰 Blue Blue, 俾你打死左,唔洗食啦!
I just care about you jar...don't want to 打 you ga
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