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天與地 is a not necessary a good show, but it is original (for TXB), that is why it got such a good remark, the song is good, fit the story very well. TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。6 S/ U' X& q: \/ H* ?
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( O8 v# Q4 G7 j# L- ]
Moses also does a good job, very different to everything else he did before.
) ]% y  P" X! @3 W" r5 U( wos.tvboxnow.com4 Z" s& y9 R0 }8 y/ E7 R9 v
"4 in love" in my opinion is not even a serious drama, TXB didn't put a lot of effort into it. Funny I don't find the dialog complicated, it is a very light comedy, compare to 天與地.
; S9 x5 i2 b6 f3 C6 Z4 q. p. A" ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇' f8 J/ S' D( E! @8 P" u3 n8 X
I disagree about your comment about 佘詩曼, her first few drama is boring, no actig skill, but she has come a long way and is a great actor, every drama she does except the act a stupid girl one is great, and it is TXB's lost, I hope she come back soon.
+ i; }9 w, Z" T. `1 T: ?5 d+ O4 ~  y8 z4 f0 _1 S# i) _" }
Moses, seems like he is only suitable to do 得得地 type of role.
我覺得還是值得看的公仔箱論壇% C' f% w, ?( ?4 P2 n5 g
9 \  Y2 K  e" k7 p大概是編劇不只一個的關西八* M2 N8 |3 ~) V2 d6 k. E. I) V9 o
: _0 {- L3 ^. h: \
其實我覺得此劇有些東西挺人性的......但稍不合邏輯os.tvboxnow.com+ u: M9 @, @* O! w( D8 g) d' y& }
但OK  就是戲  娛樂
有道理tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 }2 N) ?! }% r. ?7 \+ P- i! p$ E
Very good comments.