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this time , the 甲虫 is the icon not the five dollar coin
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
haha.. but i forget that 5 dollars part already!! @@
this time , the 甲虫 is the icon not the five dollar coin
6 U" s2 g8 O# M2 N8 t/ Wfellatioho 發表於 2011-9-7 02:08 AM
; p4 q8 J- T) N4 f6 o8 G6 h9 h. ?; P公仔箱論壇
: W% u2 d8 Y: Ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvbI disagree the introduction of the bugs can replace his $5 coin.
# p/ X1 [  S+ z+ s9 ]# ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 ?7 s4 n: X# r, e" t+ Z1 j- x4 e
His character is not complete without the $5 coin.
7 a4 ^( I5 c3 ?! c" r) g: C公仔箱論壇Laughing攞出o黎同Madam玩估公字公仔箱論壇8 {# e- Z( ?$ @; {* m. w( H
* T* q% y4 m/ g3 C* x2 t3 |1 K" Q- Ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvbMadam見到個五蚊銀就話1997年版5蚊銀唔係好值錢
3 k! r$ `" R; H2 n2 T( y& los.tvboxnow.com留在最后一集抛的
水煮蛋不會臭掉嗎 XDDDD
$ n4 J, `6 ]- g" g3 [( \7 d$ t成天帶個蛋蛋出街搏命!
已经代表过了  这回玩嚣士了
This laughi gor doesn't need the five dollar coin la. His icon is motorbike