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351# allencjh Vistana? I been there b4 but can't see any board...Can't walk in izit?..... need to calll in 1st?.. Can any one PM me number? thanks
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bad..vistaxx no room.. bcos of Public Holiday?fully book...haiz..0 E1 h* }+ @. o( |5 X  X
so go massage & lia kin at 1st avenue... very good thai stye massage. good massgae skill - thai girl.. & age ard 20-30.
i will go BM tomorow.. anyone here can PM me sri indar number?.. or how to get in?
- H& S3 b& o9 K' R: O& Z( B7 i' J  ios.tvboxnow.comthanks alot. :)
381# badangel
7 K  u  {* U5 J2 g1 x) I公仔箱論壇
7 |) Y! }" p/ P& @. ~& f: fos.tvboxnow.comfully book ? how come .. u got call OKT ?
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thanks to share with me VIstana OKT no and Sri Indar Ph...0 k. _" X/ r4 K$ B5 [- x
BTW have anyone know the Ecotel OKT contact?
Hi all... vistana no room for business on this weekend (by OKT).. so wait lo.
9 n* A/ w) {4 A+ r" x' C  V/ ^公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! X1 h0 ]4 Q2 C9 ]  }' y( s+ w0 G& g' v
Erm.. anyway..this evening ard 4pm i jz  been to BM than direct go to sri indar.. (2nd floor entrance next to lobby).. haha.. allencjh: no need to call OKT  la.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 f, \+ w# e- d' z
i just walk in, than OKT ask me wan massage or "lok zui" ....he bring me visit total 6 viet girl. so i pick 1.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。6 p6 D* @& T, ^2 o
abit expensive lo. range from RM160-180.$ G2 d0 {; T# o, A; l
os.tvboxnow.com8 W/ E3 @' X( u
below is my share:-
# O( q+ v9 Z* q9 y/ yTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。named - Tina
! F4 [+ D  M! q7 I  Pos.tvboxnow.comage - 191 y; ^  B3 h/ z% w$ T
face : 7/10tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! s# u: o; R$ I3 @9 b# U$ S" E
body - 7/10# z/ ~+ ]$ ^- j) F+ u5 D
bj - 6/10 (no skill)
5 |2 W/ T, A8 J) sM/L -  7/10 "very young,  she allow to kiss everywhere but not mouth :)"
0 x4 P! n4 `4 T: f公仔箱論壇overall - 6/100 @! r3 [$ L3 D% Q2 v
damage : 180 公仔箱論壇' H; m( f0 Q! k4 p  j

$ Y0 ~$ x. m0 ], q0 i$ {0 ios.tvboxnow.comp/s: Tina like a little girl. watch cartoon when i walk in. & thn after done also i take a smoke in the room, she continue her cartoon & will laugh leh. beside, she told me there is total 12girls.
got photo ?
Vistana coming new PRC only 2 weeks - RM160
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got vistana okt phone num?can pm me?thanks.
not bad... got quality... :) what the girl name?
can anyone give me vistana okt num?i am new here.thanks
Can share with me the vistana OKT contact. thank you