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Good Morning Good Evening Good Night Cafe.
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3351# SweetLemon

u ?

All week, no mailman, no garbage man, no bank,......Usually take them for granted, especially the garbage collection....No, we cannot leave the garbage on the street, have to keep inthe house until garbage truck showed up with the song.
Good morning cafe pals in this 2nd day of CNY 2011
Your garbage man is too lazy at Taiwan la  
Have to go out for the  年初2  開年 lunch soon.
大家好.... 早晨!
hello everyone


Hello Danny Boy
Happy CNY 2011
You got company he is zzleezz
Still icy at New York ? Take care when you out.
Hello Blueblue, Orchids Happy new Year.
Hello Danny Boy
Happy CNY 2011
You got company he is zzleezz
orchids 發表於 2011-2-4 12:53 PM
hello Orchids....happy CNY
where's my 利是
yes...zzleezz and me are good friends
but our Fat Fat Club doesn't have enough members....do you want to join??
Still icy at New York ? Take care when you out.
orchids 發表於 2011-2-4 12:54 PM
all the ice melted 7788...
but I am taking two days off for CNY...off on Thurs and Fri (4 days off, include weekend)


Sorry roberton888 Forgot you, How are you?
Hello Blueblue, Orchids Happy new Year.
chowold2 發表於 2011-2-4 01:01 PM
hello chowold...how's your CNY?? receive any 利是??


I forgot to say thanks to you,Thank you for you 利是
I don't feel any CNY mood here. Need to work too.
our Fat Fat Club doesn't have enough members....do you want to join??
You so funny