停止獵殺海龜! Common Name: Marine turtles (Eng)
Penyu (Bahasa Malaysia) Scientific Name:Cheloniidae / Dermochelyidae families Habitat: Open and coastal waters, sandy beaches and islands Status (IUCN): Endangered - Olive ridley & Green turtles
Critically endangered - Hawksbill & Leatherback turtles Population:
Leatherback turtles - declined by more than 99%
Olive ridley turtles - declined by more than 95%
Green turtles - Some populations in Malaysia appear to be stable currently. However compared to population numbers prior to 1970, large populations in Terengganu & Sarawak have decreased significantly (more than two folds)
Hawksbill turtles - Large populations remain only in Sabah & Malacca. Both populations appear to be stabilising. However it should be noted that historical nesting data in Malacca extended to 1990, which is quite recent and too short term to surmise on population trend.