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大哥我是芙蓉人,你的暗场在哪?可以给我联咯吗?[email protected]
can let me know seremban where. i wanna go there. email to me.
pls pm me
get me phone number [email protected]
can u pm me the contact number..thnx
thank....  i am new ppl .. what is pm???
搂主,麻烦pm 电话。
May I know where is the place? Thank you.
pls le me know the palce n phone no lah,,,,tnx bro
my email [email protected], pls let me know the place
can pm me o nt? coz i wan to go seremban try it when i on the way go back melaka.
the best of seremban
PS PM ME THE SEREMBAN PLACE 公仔箱論壇6 j+ v# f4 d$ H7 F9 b
[email protected]