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/ D4 P  V4 l: b! G% m3 |  B0 g' r, Ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb人家的政府正在想办法搞好经济危机..& `2 M8 f# m7 g' e, P1 R

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* ]: a% W: c! d8 `3 o6 L6 tTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
2 P+ \! p* u! ^TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。啊..独..啦....无能
" @( U' z( m+ I, V0 n" Q& B' E
  L$ f! k+ J* J' w- v7 b0 W" M$ xos.tvboxnow.com拿..鸡....好危险!!!!
' f5 e# a( A% g- K9 R- a2 \+ H
8 z% C" B/ ~/ v5 W; p8 B公仔箱論壇
曼聯迷....Hope to get More support from u...
Tun Razak當初是怎樣對華人...那他的兒子就會怎樣做...這叫子承父業...一家人都不是好東西...殺人os.tvboxnow.com2 t* n+ R8 ~# _- `; d
correct correct.. cannot simply change like that it's too funny.
  \; T9 i1 ~  O/ k- o5 V9 [5 Lbut they are following somebody action and this is really big history in the malaysia's politics.# D! P7 L0 ]4 ^# r  }5 G6 ^" {$ M
anyway, the dark side of the politic is always happened in every country
" ^4 ?" p& c- m2 x& T" z! w, j公仔箱論壇i also informed by friend about the corruption is RM50 M each person.
每个政治人物都是为了自己的利益的啦。。。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 U4 p! W# C2 r9 u- Y9 E) i
不过马来西亚这里的就是特别做到出面咯。。。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ i; ]; d- q6 M, A
真的是很替霹雳州的人民可怜。。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ r. N- _0 Q, I7 p! `2 I4 ~; i
8 k: ?. S1 h7 q$ E$ ]% Ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb我觉得马来西亚不需要再举行什么选举了啦。。。
' A- X* @# ~9 Y4 @os.tvboxnow.com反正选了都随时会变的。。还选来做么?0 N, u) {+ o1 Z1 Q* o* K! f, w& |
他们这样做人民又没做些反对的举动他们会理会吗?! h# i. n/ u9 X! F
7 G. J7 k! k( z7 }2 \公仔箱論壇看看外国是怎么样做出反对的举动吧。。。像那样政府才不乱来
, s& I. u( l6 L' }  }& f/ |4 |os.tvboxnow.comDuring Election, people select them as representive,
" s; T* p, y9 B1 m! T+ U9 G1 D# Zpeople select them because they are in that party they want it to representive, no because who they are? beucase which party they are!% o! g$ i2 P- C6 d; ^, C1 n
now because of some reason (any reason was not accepted). 3 z* @! Y$ N5 ^2 P: g
they have choose to again party.
/ I# N) l6 v1 @6 i0 S* |; V
7 Y' k! ~4 r1 \, T) ]6 ~Now economi so bad, they only thinking want to gain "power" of party,
5 G  \3 h5 t! i- h7 UI believe sultan also have some benefit on it.9 q- q0 {! D6 X- e( d6 F6 E! V; }
how can BN can said they have more support 28 + 3 in hand ? 公仔箱論壇( r0 y% Y  U# g0 v
2 person was related with "rasual case", tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 T$ F; p3 \& L$ V4 X9 B
1 person was independance party?
% O9 B% s. Y6 f0 @9 [公仔箱論壇+ i# ]5 d$ j% a- ^& P
and further ask the party group resign? then what for election? os.tvboxnow.com  E! y( l, [) B
better all select by Sultan, "I want this person be XXX, that person to be xxx." people will ask, why this person ? or that person to become?
5 m( w4 i# t( }' F) ~$ L& ~, \5 s公仔箱論壇
0 G: y) p" r9 W- S# @# o" j  atvb now,tvbnow,bttvbSultan:"Because I am the King"."I said you have to listen". 公仔箱論壇) t  o# K% @" T) u
what Sultan will do for the Malaysian?9 H$ L3 _( _8 o2 ]# e  E9 v9 K, R
公仔箱論壇  f- m  S* z/ G8 N
Economi become worse and worse, soon maybe a lot people jobless,
* N4 ]5 q' O* o3 E/ l6 J) Y& wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbgov never concern about it and put it 1st priority need to be solve, but still play politic game, 7 ]' X/ R# Z) \0 Y
公仔箱論壇& A8 r$ S& [& T0 U3 J
Gov must concern about economi, bad economi cause people jobless,
! \6 W2 f! E" r1 _% `4 M; wjobless people in order survior, what they can do ? 公仔箱論壇0 n5 c5 _; R- u; o4 ]% `$ K2 q
where ever we go, or even inside the house or car might not safe anymore.
# {) t3 c$ g# S3 a3 n
! W; k& P' c* `/ s8 A; htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
0 F1 g/ {6 R  Y8 f5 X( c; m1 S4 qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 G' A, ~' |  y. |
sad, very sad, to see what happen to gov.
国阵已经失去民心,来届大选很危险。 民联当自强