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they dare summore say they got wad IT diploma watever = =
we pay high for streamyx service, but the services slow like hell...
原帖由 nichol45 於 2009-1-14 10:29 AM 發表 公仔箱論壇8 u4 n: V0 y5 G! t, v
penang plan to set hotspot to cover whole penang state, but some of ppl use the stupid reason to ignore the plan, luckily penang minister still continue with this plan...
8 Z, B% B7 W! i
! P; O( f7 c! t" T3 |
你讲得对,当槟城政府有远见的要实行全州无线上网时,却引来一群自称是非政府组织要求取消此项计划,原因是危害健康. 好笑吗??? 联合国报告已经指出无线上网对人们健康危害是少过手提电话的电波的十几倍之多....试问下,如今谁不是每个人一只手机或更多??? 真令人莫名其妙的反对....
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Our malaysia policy:-: j4 A9 k2 q5 K) o+ J! h4 C# R
the other country must stop and wait for us.
2 S& n% R6 Y- h+ \  ^( Wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb(just like we chinese must wait for the malays.otherwise
( T/ [3 Q" o. E( j) u4 P8 xtak boleh lah!!)
别人光纤维,我们乌龟速度上网技术! 除非其他国家时光倒流,不然这样的速度真的外国很难想像和堪比!
good post , ?3 w1 h9 G5 z5 z

& m4 \+ M0 Q1 |1 i: D" ?# A8 astreamyx cant lazzzzz bad service
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Streamyx的技術人員的技術比很多用ㄕ還不如, 工作服务态度也不好,若有得選,一定不会用它.


Malaysia is like this,Please don't talk too much...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, q/ L* v4 i; J; m) P! V2 w
becareful   I.....S......A.......  Malaysia Boleh ha.....