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omg..why like that de..
2 U! \/ V, b% w3 d# \公仔箱論壇so pity..
% v, v+ X9 o3 f+ h6 O+ k0 ?/ H" |tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb难道那些人都自己愿意不反抗?:024:
honestly i feel that they think this is kind of a procedure to bully the freshman. 3 M2 c/ P' f6 m3 B4 O7 z
we all do suffer this kind of thing but not sexually.
6 x' p. p- k+ Rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbI mean when we are new like going into new university, joining the uniform team etc.
0 j9 d2 b$ p2 F! a* J* T, ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvbthey had worsen the things...... Is sad....
so horrible.le  thank
" L+ p, N. l3 \0 D; ?7 itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb好变态,超低能:024:
hentai!!! crazy!!!:024:
Bt!!!!!!Bt.......very Bt!!!!!!!!!This is what the German people say...Human Right????????????
:onion31: 真係哩.....TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& S+ Q6 @  W7 m5 G
2 n6 u( M. D# ?% _公仔箱論壇d新人個個都死忍唔爆為咩,都好明顯為左份工啦...
  |/ i; `: F. x/ h4 T5 r* Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 唉~~可憐
oh, so bad

回復 #1 yumiko123456 的帖子

0 q4 w) p2 q# [1 U. y2 F变态消防隊.......
' j9 y  m; T, m) g1 p6 m% o: d4 F3 Tos.tvboxnow.com:onion03: :onion03: :onion03:
; e# Z2 Y4 r' [$ @4 V
; {. @: b- E) E2 A$ c谢谢搂主分享。。。。。。
1 Q! w: x7 Y! `% z3 q# M公仔箱論壇
這...也太變態了吧?!0 l* y8 l  p$ K! L- k' t
oh, my god, so crazy, 破壞晒消防員在我心目中的形象
9 t6 J% o' \+ k* J% ~" p1 {:024: :024: :024: :024: :024:
玩新仔? 見怪不怪la....