maybe they unlike us bcoz now china is big finance control
even i from malaysia but all our product is supplies by china
we just support EURO FOOTBALL .....
yyy_yow 發表於 2011-12-15 10:53 PM  That's a STUPID response. Why is it ALWAYS the same excuse people make: "because Asians have money"? People had plenty of reasons not to like Asians (or Jews, or other races for that matter) even BEFORE they were known to be rich.
See that kind of reasoning alone just highlights another classic Chinese "virtue": 阿Q精神 - if someone doesn't like you, it must be something you have that is better than his/hers. Because it's always hard to admit you're deficient in a certain quality as others have perceived you, and also because you care so much about how people perceive you.
Why is it so important what others think about you?
Trust me, at this point in time (2011), the average white guy is NOT jealous of the average Asian. Yes, some Asians have money, but despite their economy woes, overall the Western outlook in life, quality of life, work/life balance are WAY above Asia (except for the handful of first world countries including Japan, S. Korea, Singapore, HK etc but overcrowding is a problem in all of them) - you don't see Western people sending their kids to school in Asia as much as you see Asians in schools and universities in the UK/US/Aust/Canada do you? And how many white people want to emigrate to Asia?
I'm not worshipping Westerners, just telling it like it is. What was China doing when the Europeans were busy shaping the world the way they wanted it a few centuries ago?
Yes, things are changing, but if Asians continue to obsess over "face" and how others think about them, they would always be followers and not leaders. Just focus on yourselves, losers. Then check again in another 20 years. |