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% S1 e  t  ^) p- _●耗資50億令吉興建一座高一百層的新地標,預期在2015年竣工;這棟名為“獨立遺產”的綜合性大廈將成為全馬最高的建築
9 q  J* d' Z7 X% \2 U公仔箱論壇/ e% `" O, q7 {( i; ^3 \
this is what for?


  • civicboy1969

本帖最後由 ken_kk 於 2010-10-16 09:31 PM 編輯
- k5 P: ~0 r# p5 ^! Zos.tvboxnow.com
' Q' D1 ?9 X7 `( L  h公仔箱論壇哇!在这次财政预算案中,大多数存有利民政策,唯这些政策并不会直接例会平民百姓,反而是中央政府将因为这项预算案,而增加额外的税收。呜呜!我都不知道政府是怎么想的,政府竟然宣布要耗資50億建100層摩天樓,都不知是不是想跟台湾的101比,想出风头。哎!但这次政府可以说为了风头,竟然可以把我们这些老百姓辛辛苦苦的血汗钱拿去建造100層摩天楼。 唉!在这次的预算案中,政府不但没有让人民有好日子过,反过来,好为了建造100层摩天楼,还有搞到劳民伤财。 呵呵!最后搞不好那些没有良心的官员和承包商为了私吐那一笔钱而用一些烂货来起100层摩天楼,到时倒塌而搞到有人命伤亡的时候,我们要向谁问罪。


  • civicboy1969

RM 50 million build a 100 storey "Wawasan Merdeka"? 公仔箱論壇3 U6 U' j! y7 \4 K
Will it become another white elephant project like the other mega project during Mahathir era?
9 T" a: R* E/ f( F7 o% \3 O7 K6 RWatch TV also need to pay additional service tax? tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( u$ Z7 D+ P" b* U! M
Look like Astro business will be dropping from next year onward.


  • civicboy1969

都要破产了,还建百层摩天楼? 难道一个国家的经济就靠百层摩天楼来振兴?现有的双峰塔不够吗?公仔箱論壇% [/ T- f& y( _  Q


  • civicboy1969

1. 看ASTRO须缴税6%$ M4 A) |8 m5 x' E! |
还好国营电视台不用缴税,好险!以前电视甚至收音机都要缴税!- O! @! Y) G$ e3 i0 k
( e, Z/ A- \/ E, u
2. 女公务员产假增至90天
; Z& X+ g. m; W$ q/ O* Aos.tvboxnow.com应该强制私人界女员工也享有同样的优待!
6 B& ^. H. ^# qTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
( {* }! u# p, O" [7 {3. 名牌手袋服裝免稅
( w" I! ~, U# j3 H" j, b3 O公仔箱論壇这是给有钱人爽的,贫困老百姓哪会买这些奢侈品?罗斯玛乐开怀!
7 {2 k1 r6 l0 rTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! I) a. g/ ^4 Y5 R: X! O
4. 50亿建100层摩天楼
0 z6 x" T6 a8 q5 A* B都没说是干什么用的?不要到时给鬼住!区区摩天轮也搞不好,管理不成亏大本要拆掉,人民来埋单,务必要以此做借镜!tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# p0 ?4 r8 Q0 S/ ]9 ^

- F) p4 \# ?7 @3 p5 t5 a* z6 @5. 政府计划拨款1亿1100万元用来发展由首相夫人掌舵的国家学前教育计划(PERMATA)
, T/ d- U0 h  \. D7 v1 e第一夫人就是有这种便利,跟老公撒娇一下,(还是威迫一下?)就轻轻松松拿到钱!罗斯玛乐开怀!
( S! Z. e! o& N, H6 a" h* s6 ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。8 }& B% {* R; X! y5 j
6. 公务员没花红7 ~. H, ^* S7 R* h( w5 |" Z. e
他们一定在暗骂你拿摩天楼那50亿出来给我们亿的花红就够用了吗!建什么鬼摩天楼,又不是给我住!不想收买。。。不, 要我们的选票了吗!You help me, i help you!TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 }; Q7 E4 t3 |# _6 |/ G% e) t( S
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  H5 ~* v3 `1 p
7. 服务税将从5%涨至6%
- w; t8 T% o$ w' Z' itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb名牌手袋服裝免稅,又没有GST来抽水,就拿服务税开刀,从不见服务有改善,服务业者乐开怀,人民欲哭无泪!


  • civicboy1969



  • civicboy1969

' q/ v0 v9 o) s& l0 r* O公仔箱論壇那5年以后会怎样! @5 D! X# @: E6 N+ X$ R1 z% t; g


  • civicboy1969

govement said no money , need to cut off subsidiary of petrol, suga and etc. .. .
4 {0 r8 j5 g- d0 ]5 H+ G3 f- p2 M7 Qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbsome people also Malaysia going to  backcrapt because of this.
- b- L( D- O/ `9 P8 x4 TTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Govement ask people change their living style, reduce entertament and etc. tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 E- i5 a; y& V2 S0 `/ f
but govement use our money not for the rakyat , is for themself, for friend and family.
/ c9 ^1 Y5 J8 ^4 M# _! ^# t公仔箱論壇big project will come with big pocket money.
$ e8 c3 k: ~4 B* G) r0 ~- A公仔箱論壇
- E) x0 Z7 G; h4 h0 QTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。our PM only want to show off, paid money to meet the US President,2 E; l9 z6 N$ b5 q$ \2 p1 j
paid money to the press to interview him, os.tvboxnow.com; m1 W+ s& M" w, v! Z$ _1 U& D
paid money to the Rasia for the air-space ticket, 0 x  @4 A  _/ V4 N
now .... + y$ j- L5 @0 P  a
with the 2011 budget , take out the 名牌手袋服裝免稅 and etc. # ~4 F5 H+ O& D. r0 T  _$ N7 I0 N
these things only for rich people, or maybe purpose for his wife ?
' L# d' m6 q8 B( rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwho effort to buy the 名牌 items ? os.tvboxnow.com3 ^# n/ _6 ^- A& ~
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 [* O: k" B" c# ?9 X8 h
50億建100層摩天樓, there is a lot of empty office at twin-tower, KL centre terrible triffic jam, 1 E# K2 l' _1 N- T6 L
untill now couldn't solve the problem , now further another 100層摩天樓, just want the name ? why not build further highest in the world, check now which country is highest, the build the most highest building in the world, use it .. use all of the malaysia money untill it bankcrapt...
$ Z6 ]  e4 S  j% e; B8 |
! @5 U. J9 k# C9 |& e2 qI can image when the next election come, if the BN win most of the majority sit at Parliment, nobody against them , then the GST will approval and proceed. os.tvboxnow.com3 p# g4 H. J& s
at the end . who is victerm ? you all stupid and idiot Malayisa people who vote them (BM). tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* h$ `) P2 T  C  f/ F


  • civicboy1969
