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Thank you for the sharing!
thanks for your sharing
8 y1 F1 F- m0 f1 f( g+ L( r謝謝分享
thank you very much
very good Japan TV drama thanks for sharing!!
Thanks for sharing the full ep
thank you for sharing
Thanks for sharing :)
Thanks for sharing, the best drama this season!
Thanks for sharing.
This dorama is the most touching for this season. I like the little gal very much, excellent display for a 5 years old.
6 O) Z* Y& l7 R公仔箱論壇真的是一不很不錯的日劇~os.tvboxnow.com9 L# i1 [5 D) ]! b
松雪泰子真的是很厲害~公仔箱論壇# }+ D+ \9 R4 f$ o. d
盧田小妹妹也太強了~公仔箱論壇8 c  W* [! U3 P) q4 u$ R
; E3 L/ r, K: D* c* R7 {感謝大大分享~
好耐無看過她的劇集了,謝謝字幕組的努力,辛苦哂!thank you !
# V, Y6 |* h- B* q" Z, c公仔箱論壇感謝分享~