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Good Morning Good Evening Good Night Cafe..
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阿牛 - 开心又过一日不开心又过一日

Two more sleep, then its going to be 2011.  Time to tink about the New Year Resolution la...

Another sunny fine day, around 23C inside, must be around 27C out there, too good to stay indoor.

How's your day in Taipei, Lemon.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
Good Afternoon Norman.  Temperature starts to drop tonight, will be below 6 on eve. Stay home to watch fireworks is the best plan.
Start by watching the Sydney Harbour Firework, then Hongkong, Paris, just follow the turn of the globe ...
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
I've dl the 超级星光大道-20101226 and watched it the other night, there are so many good talent in Taiwan, (are they all from Taiwan?)  I really like some of the songs, like the one called "Rainbow" sung by the girl with the tinted red hair, she nearly missed out on the top 10.  I would love to hear that song in full, so are many of them.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
She is from Mainland China, already had a title in HK idol...She is very very good.
You can listen to her other songs at the side bar.
Chowold dear I am in holiday so go to bed late
Blueboy kid you feel itch again, longing ma ma to give you a good lesson
Orchids dear, how's your day starting out in HK?  Are there going to be firework at the Victoria Harbour in NYE?
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
Orchids honey , Don't be too mean to Blueboy. He is getting better and polite in Cafe.
Give him a chance
Blueboy, see I save you.
Be nice to our ladies in Cafe. Don't give them trouble again.
Hello SweetLemon, Norman, orchids, chow and others.
Glorious day in Sydney, hot outside but cool inside.
This is how the day is here:

A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
too good to stay indoor.
Unless it's different kind of indoor activity...
like bargain hunting..