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經過這段日子  d, \* N! g6 X) Z3 u! [
  _4 _1 Q2 D: a3 i) zos.tvboxnow.com原來整個kl的clubbing場所都能找到onsos.tvboxnow.com7 \% ~5 J/ _7 ~* p! M
條件只在於1,樣子還能看.2,幽默公仔箱論壇" j; G6 _, W( Q7 p6 B* G* m
$ `9 \5 P/ [9 B5 a: G4 J公仔箱論壇樣貌之外, 所謂的幽默,就是看妳說話的技巧os.tvboxnow.com8 V- D4 p! G' Z* t* a
如果妳的話題會悶到抽筋的話8 b1 I6 n& R9 H: n4 u  q" ]% p
勸妳還是先回家對鏡子多練習* J( I/ {0 i; y" h* C
看我的朋友 ons後,那些MM還會打電話在找他去clubbing
2 H% @2 h6 a* \, Ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvb當然 錢還是一個因素,如果妳孤寒的東省西省肯定沒有MM找你
9 z5 J( x: a3 L- h: r, U而我... 也是遵循他的指導 才找到吃...
9 k3 n; N4 L+ U/ {7 YTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。如果當時 身旁的朋友也會知趣的幫忙 那更快找到吃^^
9 L" z  H  @. N9 n( w& T" bTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
" R$ U# _* R7 P. a  v2 Z: P聽說最近的poppy已經沒什麼MM過去了,G6自從被掃後MM也比少了...
3 D, J% }3 ]4 _5 b現在MM都聚在phurture比較多.
thank you for sharing
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any brother going out for drinks this thursday, friday or saturday?  first time come to KL by myself only.  see if any of you would like to go out together la!
only two more nights left.... guys..... anyone??? i m bored to death ar!!!
................................ disappointed....... tonight is the last night here in KL..... still no one reply ga..... i wanna go to zouk or aloha ar.....
beside at kl what place nice a???