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[心得] 水晶宫西门的琪琪和菲菲 (3P)

本帖最後由 kennethncl 於 2011-8-22 01:58 AM 編輯
) ?# ]/ D2 i( {* _' @* J' j
- n8 N3 h8 q3 I/ I; ^  p俩天前,吃了新鲜苹果。。。本来打算下午去吃多一次的。。。那里知道西门发送MMS来, 说来了2 个MODEL。。。就心思思的。。。鱼与熊掌。。。不懂要去那。。。心想雕兄那要等到3PM, 而西门的1 点就有了。。。那就去西门那看看吧。。。不看还好。。一看就不得了。。。。2 个MM都好淫哦。。。琪琪就是很风骚 而菲菲就很性感。。。。我真的不懂要选谁, 就和她们聊聊。。。聊了5 分钟。。。。琪琪问我还没选到吗?我说还没。。。菲菲就说。。不如来个3P。。。我说3P我没试过而我的子孙根又不是很强, 那里能顶。。。菲菲就答我。。她们会看着我的子孙根的。。。那我为有拿3P咯了。。。。
* A# e9 _, g- D5 d7 f& b2 mos.tvboxnow.com
- J7 x$ ~5 J; w2 b2 ^/ X% sos.tvboxnow.com(哈哈, 第一次试3P。。。当我写FR 时我的心里还在笑。。。真想不到我也能3P。。。undefined)TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 N/ |7 @: `, s" U9 T
公仔箱論壇. H4 {, D: s1 X
当我ON了,菲就来帮我脱我衣服,琪就去放烧水。。。我们3 个人去洗白白。。。哈海, 我真的好忙。。。忙着对付4 粒雪白的乳房。。。undefined 过后就是, 2 个MM一起用舌工来弄我。。。真的可以用一个子来说。。那就是棒。。。。。。。。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) D" u8 E" B" w" _* I* i
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 X. p& L+ ~6 M) W
弄了大概10 分钟。。。我就戴套。。。先和琪琪来个打低庄。。。后记就是和菲菲来个DOGGY。。。。。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& P3 i) ?1 l2 ]& C# K. n
(还有很多。。。我懒得写了。。真的。。。3P让我成为一个大忙人。。)os.tvboxnow.com" _, Z; t6 o6 y8 |9 H' Z6 J: i% [0 h

" z! r# N5 c5 X" q0 O( L. L姓名:菲
5 a. b2 r$ P& D( N0 d5 o来自:小龙女TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  i4 M# v( m8 _' E1 I
年龄:20岁tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& Z( v0 ?' Z/ X. o" B
面貌:8/10 (耐看)
* n3 }( P% q5 z& _5 U: R0 _os.tvboxnow.com胸部:7/10 (有34B-手感很好)
, d3 u6 i1 n+ d6 s8 W, v9 _公仔箱論壇身材:8/10(高挑)
; P/ \* J8 K9 |1 V2 K9 x* t# los.tvboxnow.com皮肤:8/10 (皮肤很好)
3 q* }$ G1 Z) u/ d" w4 iTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。口交:7/10 (无套吸根)
5 j0 d* u; ?/ d7 o3 ~鲍鱼:紧tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 N& @( q6 z4 R+ q+ X
做爱:9/10 (很享受)
. [) d# \8 ?/ B& R; G2 \$ |* f) Y. {os.tvboxnow.com回头:会
$ O( @) j1 `* d2 `- R4 l9 a; Q; GTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。整体:8/10 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* K* k4 c8 q) j# L+ S
$ t3 \1 K: X  @! n3 k杀伤力:西门价
4 d1 s3 m8 N4 ]# s" n
; Y0 i" T( w! W, h% H公仔箱論壇姓名:琪tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. ]. g! c2 v$ X! [; }
, a. L$ `+ d+ [8 m. H& z" Z( g1 R( gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb年龄:20岁
/ o! M" n1 M- F$ L- D5 Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb面貌:7/10 (耐看)' q5 v0 F8 C2 ?6 u8 b: z/ ~
胸部:8/10 (有34C-手感很好)
, @1 q( S, v" U  }' }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。身材:8/10(淫女一名)os.tvboxnow.com  c2 c7 _( r3 g3 \
* H6 Q0 u/ a( ], O" q* Vos.tvboxnow.com口交:7/10(无套吸根)
! Y2 n! Y0 Z; j( [0 ?6 t鲍鱼:紧tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! ]' D3 m! o% a2 k# M& ], K9 V8 G0 ~) ]
做爱:8/10(很享受)TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 X" q! T) E  @2 O: L  U
回头:会os.tvboxnow.com  V$ T) g$ i2 \" ?  i
整体:8/10 os.tvboxnow.com: B; e9 |8 u2 ]" f/ X7 H
) B, I+ N4 k! Z* l0 {. N  Z' r* V杀伤力:西门价
mind to share us the price?
where is it
mind to share us the price?
. M" ^1 W( n  m# p; nos.tvboxnow.comLonelyPlanet 發表於 2011-8-22 11:52 AM
公仔箱論壇$ s, Z' }* }  |. ^7 p/ c& B
9 b2 }1 o) O7 T, f1 |
RM 300
where is ittvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ y6 [4 B) t; [; p
darkiezz 發表於 2011-8-22 12:41 PM
os.tvboxnow.com* y/ L! r# o& m8 l4 x
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: W1 D, X7 q2 j# Y2 V6 D
at penang bayan baru
at penang bayan baru which part? n how to contact them?
can pm me ??thanks
read more “槟城好地方",os.tvboxnow.com* J: d" t0 f; K
29/8 jaysonlee208 撒野os.tvboxnow.com: n$ m( g% S5 `/ c: H
356# kennethncl can pm me vistana de number??i wanna try...i been try simon there but nt nice and expensive, looking for nice and cheaper one, thanks 公仔箱論壇% ^+ O( D4 h, [! \2 N9 P" ]
, G4 L. P) F, k公仔箱論壇os.tvboxnow.com3 m! t! _% t( ?) H( Q! l  z! Z
本帖最後由 takban82 於 2011-8-23 07:25 AM 編輯 os.tvboxnow.com$ X( }2 b" f/ @; D

% I- c- ~6 Q9 itvb now,tvbnow,bttvbi dare to said most of simon prc was bloody hell...price keep on increased...from 160  to 180...now latest price 200 per shot..no point to go his place as well..his place dun have 3p package ,but he simply offer customer 3p games,the main purpose was he wan't to push or promote his low output/ low grade prc to customer.so usually he will convince customer about his prc was a good in working ( with promise & swearing-haha bloody hell talk).further more ,without hesitate he simply make an offer to customer with difference price-( i also wonder know why he do that ) ..But the situation was thier prc dun want entertain 3p games ..but he force them to do so ..and result with,  cos the prc damn hot & tulan,so they pointing to customer with giving a bad attitude & service during the 3p games .this is why the 3p games not good & the services like hell..i already got various frens complained about his prc & pricing as well...) i- D* J" j( c8 l3 a
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 p" Y2 E7 @: u& s: E
customer A - he offer 3p with 2 shot 300....but A only take 1 shoot because bad service
8 p4 @5 b$ I# q& Y- M1 e" ~1 nos.tvboxnow.comcustomer B  - he offer 3p with 1 shoot 330 ...B also gave bad comment about the service.os.tvboxnow.com1 g7 W7 s. l1 X# n9 b6 `/ a
customer C - he offer 3p with 2 shot 400...ended with 1 shot ...( damn moodless & tulan )
* P. [9 E0 ?% a+ u; V2 XTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
6 C. k. K' B7 L2 L7 o1 C/ r/ g公仔箱論壇prc name -2-yanzhi www.tvboxnow.com7 f, h% [0 j; @- O: K* O: d6 h! d' U# |, n+ g
                -lin lin
; Y! _5 z* c3 ?! C% YTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。公仔箱論壇. d; t3 F1 U. R3 u
specify in - talkactive ,bad attitude, & no provide services as the forum listed ..like no france kiss,no finggering,short period of bj (1~3mins),no kiss/suck on boobs,3p games but only 1 prc serve u ,the other one just lean beside u like stone.( izzit this call 3p games???)
* H5 W4 f5 f$ h' |( ]公仔箱論壇os.tvboxnow.com7 @/ K; n& x) h9 {" ^& P0 j4 R
this is what i get from my customer...no return to simon side ..cheat money ...not pro enough to be okt in penang yet ...i dare to said..still got a lot complained sound from others cheongster other than my customer...TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' v! S+ K; j) C' _2 ~2 o

* ^1 S% P7 A: l9 m. P# F4 Z' wos.tvboxnow.comprc not pretty +not provide SOP service+pricing no standardize + no quality service +
- p7 p* |( H9 ~8 D$ n: Z& @$ k# a公仔箱論壇okt fool customer abuot his prc service ( not sincere just care about money ) = NO RETURN FUCK....6 O. H3 K4 l+ O6 h8 f. W5 f2 _

- Z2 H! g8 c+ N" |worth it or not ,u finalize by u own....TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。6 @0 k6 b: O$ x9 S  q; }
even though i good with okt ..but im fair to gave him a tumb down .....公仔箱論壇+ d% m/ M1 Y! X6 y  k  W$ u
do u hear any complain about simon place..pls sharing..
12# LonelyPlanet tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' V& g+ s8 W  j) |9 Z$ S

* V8 b  r$ H: C5 @2 }Hi beside simon, can you share me some other okt's number?
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where is it