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thank a lot of the film
Do not understanding what are you talking about.  But Chan is acting so good, fresh and nice.  Just wanna to support him!
有實力始終會紅,os.tvboxnow.com- N3 H- e+ u  d, b5 O) x8 r" h  U
yeah,he is a great actor!
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yi da lok? no need envy if he get a chance to act~ and he prove that he can ^^ support 陳展鵬~~
Do not understanding what are you talking about.  But Chan is acting so good, fresh and nice.  Just wanna to support him!
He has been doing good, I hope to watch him again at another drama.
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his act is good, !!
his act is good, !!
個個明星之前都係二打六,公仔箱論壇$ B5 a) w2 J/ D7 O
講求時來運到, 終於到佢啦!!!
佢做戲都 OK ar ~~