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为什么没给小费。。。。?5 _' C" H2 [# S5 t1 \3 e
sembilan 發表於 2010-8-14 07:37 PM
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' f0 Q' c% s$ c- V/ H; W/ [
hi, brother, can share wit me?
cooolman...kevin7733..can change..i got maluri cheras??can be a good brother?
Dear Big Brother,
$ e" l+ p% d/ H+ @$ x# M+ [- _6 d! V( q
I'm Ong from KL, a experience designer, male, age 35, willing to get excited in the adventures of girls.
. ~! S* l5 f1 H3 H  [$ Q公仔箱論壇Please send me the information.公仔箱論壇5 i* U" m" c2 e* X, [; {8 e
[email protected]
2 l" R8 d* H# b# a公仔箱論壇Thank you very much.- e, `- |6 g3 F# \! R8 ]7 d! E
I will provide some experience & contacts for exchange.
/ N: q) _; k, u" m* y" R, g2 c6 }! ]5 H  x% f9 e$ B) f& y4 Q7 s) w
/ K8 }$ y+ f. Y0 u# S公仔箱論壇Ong
cooolman brothers, please give the contact,
- `$ }2 [% b6 ]1 U" p& Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvbthank you...............
; x; h; y' a* kos.tvboxnow.com[email protected]
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i also hv fr at desa ...plz pm me [email protected]
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coolman, pls send me the details n i oso ll giv u a gal cal xiao hong at tmn desa. thanks very much
本帖最後由 summer399 於 2010-11-13 03:26 AM 編輯
# ?4 @# M3 T+ ?
; O0 `0 J, @( ?8 b公仔箱論壇i still new here><4 X; S2 I& p# P& D, S2 y  [7 F" e, ~
but can u pm me the contact pls><
: b# R0 V3 q* [if can i would like to ask you for more info.' M0 b4 \) Y1 W/ }0 P3 E
please help me~
3 H) e8 w1 W/ Q' g" Otvb now,tvbnow,bttvbi 100% not 25 zai! A9 b* Q3 H7 [! o; m- E
my mail - [email protected]tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 Z. g! o8 n5 W# K
i hv kepong ,tmn desa ,old klang road one ...can u pm me ?