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[馬來西亞] 亞航推出“超級型行李”服務‧上網預訂省50%超重費

6 ~. M9 z4 e! @/ M/ E  v( W, L+ GTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ v% ?( Y5 J( T1 K! X5 U& M
亞航發表文告指出,這間公司重組行李收費架構,旨在讓攜帶20至30公斤行李的乘客可以負擔行李超重的費用。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 i, O7 j9 |. K5 H5 _, N
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; w* q9 Y0 ~. X( R0 p
在網上登記“超級型行李”的乘客,20公斤重的行李只需支付30令吉;至於在柜台登記的非超級型行李收費,則是首15公斤30令吉,接下來每公斤20令吉。7 G$ n1 ^. M1 c1 ^8 D

/ V- W$ t! Y+ @7 y- N  I. b1 L& B$ FTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。亞航輔助收入部主任拉菲查說,乘客時常都會面對行李超重和超重費用太高的問題,單單去年就有66萬人因行李超重而需繳付總額高達9100萬令吉的超重費。' f6 P  h3 ?, N% E) t- ^

* p4 p- w" z9 m+ b# J公仔箱論壇欲知更多詳情,民眾可瀏覽亞航網站http://www.airasia.com
I have some information from friend , recently use air-asia.
! r5 ?$ _; z9 o2 V: W" C! |usually people have limit of 行李 carry, but most of them use hand carry to avoid the pay extra, now Air-aisa known about this customer strategy, so they will ask those customer who hand carry their things need to check the weight before entry airplane, if over the weight will need to pay also ( although it was hand carry ) .
# l1 b9 v* Z! _' v8 @; g公仔箱論壇so don't think hand carry is not count, now their consider also need to check the weight and pay .


  • civicboy1969

hand carry only limit to 7kg if not wrong. but i already booking for 15kg for luggage.


If I recall correctly,last time luggage fees is more cheaper that now.
) b: Z; G9 O0 c7 V/ o$ DI think the new rate is much more expensive.


  • civicboy1969
