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Can i know the location and contact? Thx
bro hope can pm me the location tq [email protected]
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哇~搞到人家心癢癢!公仔箱論壇0 Q( G( y7 U5 J5 Q4 j" J
hey please give me the actual place and phone number
pm me the contact number too~
- q7 P1 M5 G! E" ~& Jthanks a lot
bro,can give me contact my email is [email protected]
本帖最後由 pdbeachboy 於 2009-6-16 01:08 PM 編輯 / C: W, Y3 U% p) l1 W0 l6 r! n) x
& o# _. T" p' c) s  k
i also want to know. PM me .Thanks!
bro, can u pls pm me da contact , 10q
bro, can u pls pm me da contact & location
) k% B9 R# f! u/ x0 B3 {& T4 Ros.tvboxnow.com最近附件吹大风,亏你们还想去找吃,小心为妙
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Can PM me?  interested.
brother ,can pm me? tq   [email protected]
Bro pls pm me detail or contact. TQtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 \7 _! S5 z; l1 q1 p
I am new here