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where to find her...i wanna try...hehe
every pretty le...but i not at kuchai lama
* H$ o1 O  O& p! Q0 los.tvboxnow.comanyway..support u
pm me the location  pls thx...
can give mi the contact pls公仔箱論壇1 x) {/ m2 g/ z
os.tvboxnow.com' z) \% O! }' g& x
[email protected]
thank you for sharing
plz pm me
pls sms  me bell hp no. 0122041518
pls email me how to contact u ? [email protected]
可以 PM  我吗?很想去。。。 谢谢!!!··
can pm me the numbers?thanx!
Name: 啊BELL
- C- Z& B- v$ I1 t- Mos.tvboxnow.comAge: 22tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  A6 t% F$ w% F' q# h! y( g
样貌: 8/10 (年轻貌美)tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% U, C6 [  K2 T/ Y: G3 `/ o- H
身材: 8/10 (不肥不瘦)
( W3 A& s3 W/ x% r# H公仔箱論壇波: 9/10  (盖手咪咪)
* l! ]5 B8 J* Tos.tvboxnow.comHJ: 0/10  (沒試過)
6 N7 N. I2 e- i& VBBBJ: 10/10 (卫生,不过舔得也蛮舒服的)TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 S: r. _4 `' S
Catbath: 8/10 (没多少经验)公仔箱論壇( ]# T& a9 F. s8 b) ~
ML : 9/10 (表情十足,还 ..., B& O4 Y2 k* b; C6 q
who3815 發表於 2009-4-27 11:20 PM
7 s3 W- a  S( n% c  Z7 V
1 ?0 {3 ~4 ?7 l
% F8 @- T3 m+ O* {9 F2 e7 P+ T% y
can i have the number ? pls pm or email me [email protected] ^^ thx you
thank you very much ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~