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Oh..wat i mean is, i read a lot of complain that when the reader of this forum get the contact no., they usually don't call or just call 2 ask only.So i wonder mayb they shy to call or shy 2 go, like me also.I like 2 try but nobody companion me.My friend all married or not interested.Plus i haven't been 2 Thailand or betong b4.So i wonder mayb we(the reader) can group 2gether n go 2 betong with help from some1 like u who familiar with betong.And it not cost 2 much plus we can relax there and make a friend with kaki in the forum. So any1?
16# adebayar
2 c/ I, t6 y* s- y不過我覺得是滿難得啦...0 ]4 ~! u/ L# H+ ~6 p0 X" }" T
首先,. C  m6 [8 P6 B2 t8 x
第一點:這些地方要多人去才便宜,才好玩.os.tvboxnow.com6 x8 X/ ^) x. p$ {$ q6 X+ D  m! g7 z5 q
第二點:如果這個團都是不認識的,去到那邊會很悶,沒話題...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 `  p# P- J% Z+ `/ R0 y
( g! C/ `) r& M5 L, G第四點:因為我都是跟我朋友去,他們都是算賺到少少的人...所以大多數酒錢都是他們出.而且,他們都不太想參不認識的人.os.tvboxnow.com+ s! n+ j3 [; h8 @
0 m$ k7 e" E& Y( w, a* {公仔箱論壇          貴.而且我的時間也很難抽出來帶你們去.os.tvboxnow.com, x! K7 C1 p8 a1 ~* q* v; \& Q
第六點:那邊要新年阿...萬聖節阿...有假期的時候才熱鬧,雖然平時會很便宜,但是沒有了那種氣氛就很悶了...os.tvboxnow.com+ @3 H+ K- x" F6 F- L# ]
5 E% o2 t, M$ J; k8 O7 GTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
. _) y  L* e2 e2 u, V# wos.tvboxnow.com如果說同樣是local,你帶兩三個朋友,我帶兩三個朋友,他帶兩三個朋友,這說ok.! f; [& T; _5 e: }+ C
yeah your right.....i understand your situation.Nevermind,i find another lubang.Thanks 4 everything.At least ur a honest person.
go danot more fun.....
where is danot?anyway now my target is pattaya.
Orrr.......a new paradise it seem...can u provide more info about danot?Thanks Jeff for recomend.
" u7 O' \' \# [: `5 ?, R6 f9 iTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。我也不懂拉...os.tvboxnow.com" V7 V3 ?0 r4 `$ P
話說回來,如果有那位大大真的想組團的話,倒不如我們就先從本地local的pub約出來,等大家熟悉點了,了解彼此的話題興趣,熟絡了,再去遠一點的地方^^ 因為有些人愛喝啤酒,有些人只喝色酒,有些人只愛泡妞,而有些人只想去唱歌挏球...各有所好... 熟悉了,我們大家遷就,下次去玩才能開心點^^
: h( {2 \, a5 `7 Q) v; B! s# N' [/ _  G不過,說實在的,當然人數越多,消費約便宜...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 C; t: u  B6 B3 y0 d
在這裡,我個人覺得,在local的pub要玩的開心,至少要預了RM200...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- h- S$ ?" g! Q1 @' Q/ q
23# cheitcheit os.tvboxnow.com9 h3 W% [+ L5 R& R
你所谓的local pub 是那里?
kl的啦9 V2 t# l4 d6 M. C" G% M. t4 e
^^ b
Betong usually are orang malay and india go.  Danglok is better. Many orang cina go there. os.tvboxnow.com- Y+ i! C- D2 k
And hatyai is near danglok also, only 1 hour take van, cost rm6 only. 1 day danglok 1 day hatyai, is more fun.....
betong 很多印度人go。。。
cheitcheit......Yes ur ideal is great.It's important 2 know each other first.But my intention is go to "kiu kai" +holiday. Like "farang".See beach,drink beer, see girl,feel atmosfere,eat snack, n finally go back to room with girl n do until morning.....Just enjoy n lower stress.Although the budget is higher but the time n pleasure is unlimited.So i sugest we form a group here first then like u say,we meet in some place(not necessally in pub bcos it costly n i'm just a 打工仔)like mamak stall n watch football.Then we start planning.But first we must form a group first bcoz no point if me n u meet only bcoz then it's going nowhere.Great start nontheless.
再看吧...TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' M8 S9 e/ |' E6 [2 s+ `! [
6 q# x' t9 F% L0 `' A( Sos.tvboxnow.com前晚, 帶了幾個同事去tmn megah玩, 那邊的MM有一半都換人了,
3 |  L8 _0 \2 T/ ?5 H' H4 u認識的三個都不沒有做了, 我也是去到那邊才知道, 結果所有同事只能一個字形容....悶.
( c3 o5 I* _$ _$ d  S4 {. }偶爾有兩個很好看的MM過來,全部人都擺一副LCLY的樣子,串到!!!!!!!那些MM全部都走人.
1 C6 T( }7 f6 z結果過後又過來吊我!!!TMDJB!!!!
/ Y7 x$ l7 S6 @7 L$ l+ {; y" U/ ^他們問我又說有幾個MM很豪的... 我問了其他人,他們說那些都沒有做了....7 G7 F0 k& \0 y" C, I3 e
我跟他們解釋, 他們又諷刺我每次說大話!!! GNNJB!!!!!!!火都大!!!
( ]; }* z5 a) n公仔箱論壇我跟自己說,從那晚起.我不會再帶他們去玩了,也不會再跟他們去玩了!!!!
wah....why your colleague like that one....well, the girls condition u cannot control one ma.u already risk yourself by bring them 2 'kiu kai' yet they complain.Told them go 2 D la.I think u  better don't b tour guide again coz very dangerous.Don't worry we hav many other lubang recomend by our brother here.