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[心得] 我的第一次寫FR,多多指教

Sorry 2 all 大大,i have 2 write in english coz i study in sekolah rendah kebangsaan but i can read n recognised a little bit chinesse(thanks 2 comics n 2 years in johor jaya).And sorry if have any mistake coz this is my first ever fr and i think every member should write some fr 2 contribute 2 this forum.I wan 2 share my experience n my first fr is about 十全.The first time i go there i no need to go inside bcoz when i get out of my car, the mm already stand there n i just pick her coz she quit pretty n horny n big boob also.Here is the im4:
  @' g8 G4 T: r* T& Q- N公仔箱論壇   name:siao yen公仔箱論壇4 {7 ?- U0 t3 k: l
; M1 L7 R1 z* g5 O7 ^$ h& u   bj:20 second with cd
) Y0 f  \# z* N9 F  |) `% P公仔箱論壇   catbathnly nipple n chest
% ]3 c4 f9 K  x9 C4 P& S/ a" j   other service:noTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 n7 ^- C5 U1 K0 E) ~1 K
   fj:lazy, always 1 u 2 do.....4/10+ W' q$ r6 F) [: D. q( s3 E
   soundk......7/10os.tvboxnow.com) F9 Q# \0 G9 O( }: l: x' [: D
The conclusion is...this mm is ok but quite rush.So i didn't take her hp no.coz i think i won't take her again.I advice all member if u 1 2 go 十全 don't go at night bcoz almost all mm will rush unless u r lucky or u hav a recommanded mm.Next fr i will write my most satisfy mm in 十全 n this 1 i got hp no oh!!Bye n thanks.
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you're welcome..but pls other 大大 share their story also....thanks.
大大,a very good report for the first time. please keep going !!& I0 m% i/ Q7 i! W; S! N
pm me pls pls