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[討論] malacca play

Malacca place of play...
* U% }% w: A$ Pos.tvboxnow.com$ g# c! {2 Q# y; C6 [
1. old bus station, 10th floor. No. 88 n no. 9, both ckt. for those looking for prety n young, is not. For those looking for good services yes this the one.  X3 V8 T/ u- B* A- R; l

2 Y) p7 D3 S- H: d4 ~2 FTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2. Skx at malacca raya, can bring the girls out for overnight. No. 67.公仔箱論壇4 v+ K  |1 O3 ^1 {! h; B/ i

% M+ m, i2 j5 E8 G6 R7 V7 b) ]3. Grand Con...... hotel
! {0 q4 ?# f, M. htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) v! i# w3 n* N- d
4. Orkid hotel spa
# }# N! ]1 P" n# G( ~6 S! `公仔箱論壇
+ ~/ I6 o& V+ x5 h) i公仔箱論壇5. Viet at malacca raya.公仔箱論壇. m4 K( x& |3 f$ n8 D# a
% e  z  F- z  i! U+ h
So all bro fr malacca, pls shared your info here. I can exchanged.
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u go to malacca raya, ask people where is sakura KTV, sky just next buiding on it
how much ?
beer 1 bottle big rm25+rm11 kacang, girl tips fr rm20 - rm 30.
hey bro, u r good.. so know in mlk.. see la, next time free can come out together..
old bus station dangerous leh.... sekali get that transform punya... no good... >.<
5. Viet at malacca raya.os.tvboxnow.com2 Q* G/ u# u) M6 E. H  e) f

8 ]+ k7 Q3 P/ ios.tvboxnow.comwhere is this one and how to play?