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I think Mavis made a wise choice or rather they want to continue this on part II2 @$ _, ?& {/ N% ]* J9 t
i will def support part II!
本帖最後由 huit 於 2011-8-3 10:57 AM 編輯
# F* ^. y) o4 z! H. a& Q1 h
* n' \) N0 D  x1 N% C拍怒火真相crossover啦,兩套撈埋,慳水慳力,又唔使愁唔夠材料寫劇本多悶場,中環vs深水埔大律師又有綽頭
* n" ?7 ?. s  h8 y' g/ Qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 w$ i% S" h1 w/ j0 g
只可說終於完了, 希望下劇會好D
no special
no creative law
not to bad, waiting for the second season to come out
overall ok lah!!!
有續集都好,想看mavis同keith一起!公仔箱論壇% ~3 p; N* f+ s. V( R9 s
cocherrie 發表於 2011-7-30 10:21 PM
公仔箱論壇: Q3 k) ?5 G$ g' ?

% }# x0 _1 E, @2 Mos.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇9 \/ O) s$ ~; G1 q" o0 [
I agree .... mavis shoud be with keith, see love feeling. sure mavis who she love ? TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- I6 q$ ~  T5 y4 t6 i
because of friendship then let go the love one .... tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! c7 z& B7 \7 X/ t" j+ a3 I$ T% {

+ n: \, U0 D5 ~I really not happy with the ending ...