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角色"何偉聰": "我今日就要打你個仆X"
/ `1 ~, \* X2 ~9 k9 D6 O- s7 }公仔箱論壇大家聽到嗎?
套劇不好看 !!!
Yes, the boy was pretty violent.  He chose to learn martial art to defend himself and his mother rathar than seeking help from others ... pretty pity ...
其實"仆X" 不算粗口.其原意是咀咒別人橫死街頭, 不得好死-[sorry死]. 因何會變成粗口?粗口應該是問候別人祖宗父母的說話而不是咀咒的毒話.
tq. for sharing
this is call original, showing the real personality of hongkong ppl
本帖最後由 huit 於 2011-7-1 01:58 PM 編輯 3 b$ y' ~3 A9 L  N, X# w

/ i4 `1 o( z' p8 ?1 K. RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Nope, not original at alltvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 B) T" x1 s/ E# [2 e
os.tvboxnow.com1 a+ {7 o5 ~6 b- f2 s
I remember as a kid in the late 1980s watching some TVB cop show, the artist formerly known as 梁佩玲 (now 梁藝齡) who played a PR lady uttered the word 仆 街 quite clearly.
# r- N5 N  y. A
7 H* q3 y9 [( ^$ b6 [' t; `( LThe reason I still remember is because it came as such a shock - if I said that my parents would've smacked me good, and someone actually said it on TV!
2 a. \: }3 E. g( t, g公仔箱論壇
0 m( ^+ }: I+ S4 W3 P; y8 Y4 `" dAlthough, profanity and nudity are actually allowed at late night in HK - sometimes the English TVB and ATV channels would show a brief nudity, I remember seeing boobs before.
( i% X& ~! O$ `3 I3 d3 @os.tvboxnow.comtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 v# [0 h0 V3 i" ?: {- }! D& h) t
And TVB Jade has shown bare butts of body doubles before.
That is not acceptable.
佢講得出黎 即係比播= =
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