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Thanks so much for your fabulously variety of dedication and excellent works, you're the best~~!
thank u! last one already!!!
I appreciate your sharing the new episode of this great drama. Good work!
itsumo arigatou gozaimasu!
Thanks for sharing !!!
thank you
thanks for sharing
白色之春 bye bye
Thank you very much for your hard work.
Thanks your sharing, wish you all the best.
thx for share
thank you
From 蘋果日報:公仔箱論壇' ~" X& {( {: d$ T/ `  v- f

+ E! q! I4 g1 e# uos.tvboxnow.com日本男星阿部寬夥拍《崖上的波兒》童星大橋望美合演的催淚日劇《白色春天》前晚曲終人散,錄得 15.1%收視。不過前晚的大結局卻惹來鬧鬼疑雲,令網友議論紛紛。據知鬧鬼一幕出現在劇集約 36分鐘,有觀眾謂看到男星遠藤雄彌身後,左邊黑色布簾後清楚出現一名中年女子的半邊面,但卻看不到她的下半身。雖然鏡頭一閃即過,但已令觀眾議論紛紛。有網友表示嚇到睡不着,也有網友謂可能是工作人員處理穿崩鏡頭時,只處理了下半身而忘卻執走頭部。
thanks for sharing