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TBB 一班垃圾編劇, 打唔中心臟就唔會死, 你比我打一槍試下丫 !!!
1# bumusic os.tvboxnow.com& {/ u8 P* p- k6 {: f+ j
" b* o4 }" @& w, g
this is possible to have this presentation, this is called Dextrocardia.
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however, even not die from damaging the heart itself, the bullet would definitely hit the lung, and causes pneum ...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 l7 b$ f, u3 a, L( c, X7 f
a1166153 發表於 2011-9-11 09:54 PM
6 Q  M3 _! ~' R" \% m# y& D
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is no fun to watch movie when you know so much.,