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[閒聊] KL 酒店一问

大家好,小弟1月14号去吉隆坡玩,我想找一间酒店住, budget around $200以下公仔箱論壇7 t( w. f$ n, b
最好附近容易找到妹妹. 请问边到可以找到妹妹来过夜?
, ~3 [3 C. ~) N6 ^os.tvboxnow.com我email是: [email protected]
+ X6 ^2 S& X1 i3 G0 H请大家帮帮忙,谢谢~!
behind time square had a mall call shaw Parade that area got 2 budget hotel new open 40usd per nite i think , for gal i think u had to think your way or maybe ask hotel guy haha good luck
thanks for your information, terrk~!: u0 |, C; m' K' X2 }1 g7 ~
I will think about it. haha
本帖最後由 magichand7788 於 2011-1-11 12:27 AM 編輯
3 m! a$ w) x8 p- [& O+ R  }4 V8 A公仔箱論壇, q; s& Q2 k% @! W- q4 l* h
2# terrk os.tvboxnow.com# w6 K1 c8 r; r
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 r2 l, l) O  Z2 |( @7 N
Terrk, what kind of gal is it?and do u know $?
I need more information.....brother SOS~!!!
near by got many china gal ! find a building call champion club whole street also had ! 100 - 1000 rm depend wat u need