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幫幫我...pls..i need u all give me some comment pls...

what is the reason her family object this relationship? If you don't say, people can't really give you any opinions.
if u dare to face them...u really a breve n very love ur gf...os.tvboxnow.com! f; o0 k6 h& w# k" L; _, a
just go their house 4 a visit...公仔箱論壇) G: l) Q3 k" u1 _" b
let her parents noe u really like her n can take care of her.... S# ~4 e5 Y, L" q
maybe u can talk something bout ur career n future...
- R. m: s. k) @& R: x+ A5 Uos.tvboxnow.comto comfort them...