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徐子珊嗰心起右面 - 十幾年前 TVB 都用個依條橋

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佢未講出黎我都估到..  真ga!!
' G" c' O, N9 }: p+ P
; ?4 h8 t+ Z# t4 p+ }6 X. S  stvb now,tvbnow,bttvb因為唔知點解..  由佢係珊個心口開槍果陣, 我就已經feel到..tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; `9 w7 V( F" ?" D2 U0 ~
公仔箱論壇* Z, d+ P; v% e+ `
可能係佢做得過於明顯啦..  不過惗番轉頭..  都真係幾誇張"
6 S: n5 r: W" J7 \+ Ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 H% M3 }- }, ^6 T3 T7 h
中左槍仲要落海入哂水都冇事"..  厲害!
i am not a medical expert, so need a doctor to confirm on that possibility.
該面對的 我絕不逃避
該捨去的 我絕不留戀
我聽佢講"身休異於常人",我以為佢下一句係, 用子彈打唔死
1# bumusic
* j8 G0 D( ?7 G: b# }: F) D" Y5 n8 Ios.tvboxnow.com
3 Y/ F8 S1 C9 Y5 _公仔箱論壇this is possible to have this presentation, this is called Dextrocardia.os.tvboxnow.com; |  S, _" o5 l' S. b

, Y% j( R5 V" @公仔箱論壇however, even not die from damaging the heart itself, the bullet would definitely hit the lung, and causes pneumothorax (氣胸 in chinese). This could cause collapse of a lung, making it unable to expend and perform normal ventilation. In trauma case, a even worse situation called tension pneumothorax would develop. Without  emergent management, she would die from suffocation.
9 C* f5 r( z( t! |$ I6 u0 Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
+ _( j. b5 {) z& U  n! {/ ]公仔箱論壇also, even in dextrocardia, the left heart, ( which is the originally right heart other normal people) could be damaged by the bullet too.
3 S: Q' y; h2 A2 i! ]
7 h" W' k  [, E  k) c) h9 ~- _if anyone is interested, you can also look for "situs inversus", which is a congenital disorder which has the inversion of all internal organs, like liver at the left, stomach at the right of your abdomen.
2 }& u$ v7 \7 s0 L( K! m2 gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
8 V3 c& R3 E2 g, Q( G; ]: bos.tvboxnow.comtrust me, i am a doctor
没办法呀os.tvboxnow.com5 {% a1 |6 B8 q; a, {
要想人不死,又要射心脏让别人以为死咗tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) y% F7 a* |. b4 \  `4 L8 P
; T  o( C0 b' ]0 ^/ h3 A9 [一直在其他剧集都见到