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8 n; y" W% z7 _- a: e仲雙飛!os.tvboxnow.com6 @- L8 O2 ~4 e6 h
i also need the contact detail/ so sweet
pls pm me !!! u got jb 1 or not ??
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pls pm me the place and phone num
bro,can u pm detail for me [email protected] thk...
can u pm her pone number?thanks a millions:) u r the best in the world
1# who3815 公仔箱論壇' v& m9 Q+ A( I$ r! o
3 a# L6 W2 p0 [9 J; A# ~
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can pm me phono number tq
pm me pls....... where can i find the place???
me too. i want to know the place as well. thx. pls pm me.  [email protected]
location where.. please do pm me tq.. never try thai gals before.........
本帖最後由 eddietantan 於 2009-7-16 11:29 PM 編輯 公仔箱論壇& i2 \- a6 }( _
公仔箱論壇+ P" J4 B$ {- r9 q' b  Z% p; f
pls pm the contack no to me