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aiyoh real or not dont play play ah
dun have any reply...brother
the 010 phone totally no service leh
Can exchange?
that time i sms the 016 she got call bk me wor =D bt that time i busy in class no answer
I sms oledi got no reply leh....
that time i sms thn 1 or like that she call me back bt that time i no answer cause i at class busy thn i forget call back ==
1# jason5555
7 z. `& X6 v! ITVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, U# N: r+ P" e4 V' |
KL 本地妹  can exchange ? i also got local girl~
gt local give lor..i wan
what is the number? is the 016 and 010?
what is the number? is the 016 and 010?
what is the number? is the 016 and 010?
i that time sms the 016 de  =)
i want, can sms me the number or not? my hp 0193047112. thank you....
number not write out d meh ==