Room for rent, suitable for a single person and close to Grant MacEwan and Downtown. Easy access to bus and LRT service. Room is for $500. Please phone day time [url=tel:%28780%29%20424-4005](780) 424-4005[/url] and night time at [url=tel:%28780%29456-5478](780)456-5478[/url].Room for rent, suitable for a single person and close to Grant MacEwan and Downtown. Easy access to bus and LRT service. Room is for $500. Please phone day time [url=tel:%28780%29%20424-4005](780) 424-4005[/url] and night time at [url=tel:%28780%29456-5478](780)456-5478[/url].Room for rent, suitable for a single person and close to Grant MacEwan and Downtown. Easy access to bus and LRT service. Room is for $500. Please phone day time [url=tel:%28780%29%20424-4005](780) 424-4005[/url] and night time at [url=tel:%28780%29456-5478](780)456-5478[/url]. |