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" a( n2 @* O- `該校英文科主任何老師表示,學生可於家中試用,以密碼登入系統。她指學生最常犯的錯誤是讀不清楚「th」音,以及混淆「b」及「d」音。「在日常課堂中,教師始終教不到太多,又不肯定是否所有學生學懂,使用電腦系統後,學生可自學,教師亦可因材施教。」
2 l2 T0 U: C- y& h+ i. mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
hmm.. is that possible? i dont' really think so.. the computer is not 'smart' to identify different person 讀音. example: Aisan and Foreigner their 讀音is different... even china and singapore when talking in english also different... so.. maybe in the future really can... but not in recent years.

回應 chea76 第 2 篇文章

We are supposed to speak the awful American English.