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thank you for sharing out ~~~:onion14:
人生不在乎得到什麼, 只在乎做過什麼!
9 n! t  N; H  |3 \. Aim the 1 who wear long sleeve de,,,wif red cherry on my clothes de.
' I3 ]& I: J# Q9 m5 n7 K1 i3 Ihehe~
0 }9 X7 V% W" W4 S8 N( F! t; A公仔箱論壇thxz 4 all the comments ya...6 ?0 H8 {  i8 ]) N) g' L! c' T. p
the pic took at toilet de,,,nt other place...
not bad wo... which 1 u?
yan ~公仔箱論壇( B& m% g+ K' M; a' y
你畢業左啦~ :onion05:
莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君. 穆里尼奥, 一路走好..

回復 #20 yan_90 的帖子

oo...that one...& ~' l& {' X. H2 `' h
os.tvboxnow.com% Q# P3 G# S; P; W  S$ I0 s
i think that gal is the most cute between them....公仔箱論壇  Z% V# g* L0 K- u7 r( h

$ H4 L, ]) W, J/ I( o4 ?( qnice to meet u...cute girl
pretty good....thanks for sharing.....
原帖由 cchinfatt 於 2008-6-5 01:32 PM 發表 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& X  |) C, Z) Y) _$ m5 L+ x: i' z2 o
yan ~公仔箱論壇$ |/ i* L) @/ u% }
你畢業左啦~ :onion05:
: d6 W* [) A2 j" M公仔箱論壇
: ?) a- O/ C# z1 c1 W4 J& ?
: U- m% o8 O. [% O: eHoho~
8 h( K: @$ {. `# W  [3 Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvbya luu^^
- I4 [$ E  I6 G# m1 H/ Wos.tvboxnow.comfinish form5 jor...
6 R8 B8 z' N; q6 m  Dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
; {4 Z, n8 H9 P/ ?% ^! ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvbnow study at tarc college dy...
! A2 _- f6 b4 ~2 k; Q1 xos.tvboxnow.com3 Q9 w- v, d( f- R
邊一個是妳喔. . . :019:

回復 #27 yan_90 的帖子

8 j2 m7 q' T+ d9 X6 c公仔箱論壇/ I5 H- Y# b  ^+ |9 D
me too.....why i can't see you???( I6 s$ M+ V) O; O) ?/ y1 L+ k

- f) p5 N. S5 f9 Z% L8 w; b7 ?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。year 1? which course...stay where woh??
Hoho~公仔箱論壇1 x4 i: o* j! ?: N8 N
im may intake de...
  w2 L8 x, Y( p2 v7 _) x+ @  F8 Y2 yos.tvboxnow.commarketing student...
6 P# i* y) w0 Z4 r1 t1 Bu oso study there o?; W% V1 u0 i0 y4 |! x6 p* u8 ~. p