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Vs 妙手仁心/壹號皇庭

點解 tvb 唔可以拍返好似以前嘅妙手仁心 呢 ??os.tvboxnow.com4 T0 z0 g4 k7 N/ K3 _
我覺得妙手 同壹號皇庭 呢d 真係好經典, 同埋都用咗起碼 3 個 season 去 build  個 character, 就咁拋棄嗮佢地又換班新仔入嚟, 但係來來去去都係0個d 情情塔塔死伴侶嘅橋,  tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( c1 ^6 J& ^& m
咁我不如睇返啊 林保怡個 懶浪子嘅 character  同程至美個 professional 嘅情深 look ...  
5 Q: }) T  g, pos.tvboxnow.com
8 B% d% s; A# C. C" f/ S即係唔係話唔可以開d 新戲俾d 新血做d 新經典...
& _1 A5 Q# d2 y; U不過你都真係寫得好 d 先可以係經典...
+ B/ x/ U  E  W公仔箱論壇好似第一集咁, 作為一個神經外科醫生又點可以係 car accident 嘅  trauma scene 入面表演老到, 即係我醫院入面見 d 做咗 10+ years 大醫生個d 就連係 本科都冇佢咁定lor ...  =_=  ; b. I+ M  v7 ]* p' w/ R. Y
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 X5 Y1 S% p! i) q
同埋兩套劇其中最正嘅 唔只佢地呢班 professional 點去 professionally 面對佢地嘅 career
6 I" j' s0 s. B; C! t; G2 O- X係放工后去個好有 feel 好 elegant 嘅  lounge 睇到你好想即刻去考個醫生/lawyer 牌呀嘛  公仔箱論壇" G0 \- J' {. u2 D
而家班細路放工去浦打邊爐......   -_-   sigh....  世界變lor
I think we need to stop compare with old classic, not every drama can become classic, On Call definitely can't.
There one one formula. It just depend on how you adjust it.
I think this one give the general public more insights as the how things runs in hospitals and some common issues faced in the hospital but in a more layman term.
That is why this drama needs 程至美 back for some hope to regain some audience back, but fails at the end.
觉得on call 1 比较好看点。