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[時事討論] 范析852│警察旺角清場十宗罪 無視法律淪集體犯法部隊

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2014-11-27 08:01 AM 編輯 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: [) t; f0 g# j$ U9 K
公仔箱論壇0 j5 ^, j* w/ u% ~5 ~
范析852│警察旺角清場十宗罪 無視法律淪集體犯法部隊                        TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; |- y" l4 w( C
5 l( z! W" Z) @! ~公仔箱論壇
1 W4 ]5 K$ @+ w$ B) `TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
: c( ^: a; i. L香港警察夢寐以求出現的一天終於出現,就是旺角清場!然而,說好如果清場必定會「光明磊落」事先通知的承諾沒有出現,反而卻出現了數之不盡把旺角變暗角再公然打鑊的濫權濫暴及濫捕的情況,香港警察在11月25及26日這兩天,再次向公眾示範如何沒有最差,只有更差,公平、公正及專業等形容詞,恐怕已不再適用於警察,取而代之的,只是一隊無視法律踐踏法治的集體犯法部隊。1 Z' }" t0 I- |# f2 t* V! l
關於警察旺角清場,最少可以數出警察集體干犯的十宗罪!TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: ?7 o% X3 b6 H, O
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% ?% O. b/ ]; T2 U$ f6 L2 t9 E
+ T! T% L5 N7 y! Sos.tvboxnow.comtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! S2 ^( b7 n' q
9 K! m6 k( S9 R% G# ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 q2 ^9 U) p, e0 m& C; T
第二,誣告佔領人士偷竊物資。有佔領人士帶同物資撤離至麥花臣球場,卻被警方指控懷疑他們涉及盜竊,而有把物資運到金鐘時,更被警方以企圖盜竊罪名拘捕。問題是,既沒有人報案失竊,所謂的盜竊根本只是莫須有的罪名,而警方充公物資後,旋即把物資交食環署人員當垃圾處理,不單涉嫌違規處理證物,更可能干犯妨礙司法公正的罪行。執業大律師陸偉雄就指,前線警員或者法律常識不足,並不知悉警方是有責任證明有關物品是由盜竊得來才可以拘捕,「不過都冇物主,又點可以證明人哋係偷?」說穿了,有警察明顯是濫權。9 z) N- ^/ H7 ~9 b: L% E6 F

/ N8 o- Y8 {, O0 a* wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb第三,關於指控now新聞台的工程人員襲警。須知道,襲警屬刑事罪名,基本檢控準則,既要講證據,更要講動機,而就當工程人員的鋁梯是證物,一個正進行採訪的新聞工作者,又何來動機在兵荒馬亂中襲警呢?而警方就以此為由作出拘捕,實是反映前線警察不合理地行使拘捕權力,而繼而毆打該工程人員,更明顯屬犯法罪行。
/ x9 Q. e. Z% {& qos.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇9 }0 ]1 j1 F) Q+ S2 `9 d
! D+ E, j( Y! o  L; L4 q
- X; `9 P8 e* b* [3 I2 w5 z公仔箱論壇第四,禁止運物資到金鐘。警察交通總部高級警司李國忠在周三下午的記者會上表示,警方不會容許任何試圖運送物資進入非法佔領區,即引來各界質疑究竟警方是根據什麼法例而可以作出禁止。實情是,在金鐘的24小時連鎖快餐店,每天都提供了大量物資及佔領者,警方又是否要拉人執舖呢?. Q  C6 |/ h' W( h0 L. G4 c

9 }8 h1 v; D7 U4 Q4 V6 i$ Q+ Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb第五,涉嫌拖延送交法院。以學聯副秘書長岑敖暉、學民思潮召集人黃之鋒及社民連副主席黃浩銘為例,他們在周三早上不約而同被捕,卻沒有按法庭禁令中法官當中加入的條款要求,盡快將藐視法庭的人士送交法院處理,而是一直拘留,而律師消息更指黃之鋒被警方毆打,警方無視法院禁制令踐踏法治的行徑,再次昭然若揭。
9 B6 ]3 r  f/ n& K9 T; ?4 vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- {  q, Z. {) j
! }. }: @' b+ z" Stvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' N4 @% m2 u9 r: ^: o
第六,禁止市民逗留在旺角行人路。警方連日來只稱自己只是協助執達主任,然而同時又借機清場,更甚的,是連原來可以自由使用的行人路,都禁止市民停留,粗暴地推撞市民逼使他們離開。問題是,根據《基本法》及《人權法》,都明確保障市民的自由不被侵犯的,警方如此行徑是否違憲?而肆意侵犯人權,卻似乎沒有需要承擔責任。公仔箱論壇4 }9 y/ Q6 o6 z/ P9 V% P- q/ Z
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! V, R$ z+ m$ o  D: X# }
1 F6 n1 |" y3 H" E) K) p& s$ N& O
$ ?: T! E8 ~+ n( z' d  _& K警棍打頭屬非法武力
! I# L( F7 V) V, ^) t公仔箱論壇" u- V; @" I; b/ n0 e1 V- x! K
/ B+ t& q7 @+ p1 H7 \  Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: s: v. B( \4 |- i) \, \
' l6 }3 S# y+ I& e6 Los.tvboxnow.com
7 L  G( E- B5 w/ J: \公仔箱論壇不信任警察情況勢再惡化% c" F( I2 w. @' ?. i

8 O: H5 K- Y7 g7 b: b9 Q* ^第十,違規使用催淚水劑。警方出動了新武器催淚水劑,又指其武力跟胡椒噴劑同級,而根據《警察通例》第29章,要求警員所使用的武力,必須是為「達到目的」而須使用的「最低程度」,且一旦達到目的後,武力必須停止,同時「武力使用進階列表」列明,胡椒噴劑是在對方頑強抗拒時才可使用,即以實質行動抗拒人員之控制,但現時的情況,警方卻是動出催淚水劑作驅散,並不屬可使用的程度,但因資訊的不對稱,以及警方的強權之下,市民只能「硬食」。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, {7 ^' \. h! |) ]. A3 K6 x

( X2 ^# p9 P0 u7 U, kTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。而其實,沒有列舉出的警方惡行尚有很多,或許警方而至梁振英,現時侃侃而談稱如果認為警方濫權,大家可作投訴,有關方面會按機制處理。而公眾必須深思的,是如此消極方式,以圖亡羊補牢,卻根本無補於事,因為被打的市民已經受了傷,而對警察的信任更同時失去,更甚的,是許SIR曾說的「是否真的想看到我們的子女遇到罪案或緊急事故時,因為不知應否向警察求助而感到迷茫?是否希望看到他們蔑視執法人員」的情況真的出現呢!
3 L" A* Y' ?8 `+ {4 {, E: T$ o
7 X  g! }# t' m* t+ ~+ _os.tvboxnow.com(撰文:范中流)
/ R! J4 K8 ?! K- H' `) s* p7 A& ~TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  ]. j, N) K) |
2 e' H  y) P' e1 g
3 Q* t0 A0 U8 ^" q
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本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2014-11-27 01:50 PM 編輯
  \! T, q; F! m& _os.tvboxnow.com
% `4 ~, v3 \8 O' {. l冷漠,不是無意見,而是一種取態/Richard ScotfordTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& e/ L' ~  X. J; A7 z! ~
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 l$ P; z* P+ D& C: X: S. L- b+ X* g
公仔箱論壇' @" i% c# c4 L, D9 b% j: b

- K( |) W+ }- }4 D" MPosting this picture turned out to be quite a contentious post. It received a lot of interest and shares given my small network. But this is indicative of the circumspect nature of the arrest and nothing to do with me. This is a valid topic so I’m gonna add more.公仔箱論壇' _7 X9 j6 w+ K$ o/ q* K  D

* R8 Z; K3 r" c! e$ V公仔箱論壇Firstly, if it cuts to close too the bone then good. I’m not telling you what to think, but I’m challenging you to seek your own truth. The information is out there and 10,000s people’s lives are being affected right across Hong Kong.
# _! h5 M0 k7 W& n/ S* W: A

$ E. T) j1 l4 I+ _7 V* h8 YLast night (Tuesday) I sat and watched the casualties coming from the frontline where the police were viciously attacking protesters. They don’t even pretend that they’re being charged anymore, they just hoist up the red flag and plough in. The casualty scene of the protesters was like something out of the Crimean War, with wounded lying on the sides of the road and being attended to by voluntary first aiders. The police NEVER provide any medical backup, they don’t give a shit as to what happens to the people they beat.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 ~& y' s3 c5 [

1 a4 j/ l2 |- v. g! Jos.tvboxnow.comSo, the essence of posting THIS picture goes to whether I’m personally attacking someone for just doing their job and pushing it too far as they’ve got kids and friends and they’re generally nice people.
# v9 ?0 [% [4 V公仔箱論壇

+ H* `3 q8 A6 h9 a4 T) dWell, the same can be said of the people who were lying beaten from police last night. They also love their kids and are just trying to make a nice life for their family and network in HK. But, loving your friends, family and network is not an exceptional human trait, we all do it. It doesn’t define you as person over and above anyone else. So, that argument is moot.
3 K) z5 ?& z+ ~0 vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
1 b/ c  u5 C3 t# T+ B6 M: A5 xSo, what about the, just doing my job thing.Well this really is more salient and relevant. Police aren’t the only ones who have to make tough choices and sacrifices, that again is not an exceptional quality, What makes us exceptional is when we’re faced with a decision that has the potential to affect many people around us, we think it through and then beheld personally responsible for it by those it affects. The weak hide behind others or that it’s their job and they had no choice but to carry out orders.; w' D7 N8 P1 C. S. \! c: n
公仔箱論壇* n  Q0 I' A/ k8 J1 W
On top of this, for some, powerful history moves into their lives and whether they like it or not their actions become magnified and subject to a lot more scrutiny than they’re normally used to.Certainly when history comes knocking, don’t go jumping in feet first and then bemoan that you’re being judged and you want to be a private person. In the case of Zulu Charger, he made himself known to the media in his SCMP article and in this case almost busts a vein to get to the front to take down Joshua Wong for highly suspect reasons.
8 W+ Y- C4 x' [* C9 u0 x% o) V0 f( d
5 [4 x! u2 C2 }/ N. L7 u# `$ d) qIt’s not just me that’s making a big deal about this… this is all over twitter and social media, who are not shy to even name him. In the case of this arrest,it’s clear to all that have eyes on the situation at the time that it is the red hats who are causing the raucous. Even the bailiffs are focused on the red hats,not the students. Watch the video. If you don’t agree, that’s fine. We all make our own realities.公仔箱論壇9 v  I* D) b; n
os.tvboxnow.com( p, l2 a6 e& i& `; }
So, the entire action by the police seems highly suspect to even the most untrained legal eye. In this case society has an absolute right to scrutinise it and if need be judge it in anyway they wish and at any time. For me, who has spent many hours at the front, it is indicative of the nature of the police in HK right now. They are blinded by their myopic intolerance of pro-democracy protesters and it is my intention that everyone should consider this regardless of whether they choose to ignore it. Police just rush in with no idea what’s happening and start taking down protestors and this is exactly what Zulu Charger is doing. No different from all the other videos we see of police taking down people violently, only to be released with no charge later. No professionalism in that, just police gone mad time and time again. People should be worried about this. All of these people,protesters and police love their families and are good to their mates.
! J1 |9 ^0 k$ _/ \$ ?2 Mos.tvboxnow.com' g* G+ k: C+ @7 F- A6 b" F8 x1 Z
As I’ve said before, apathy is not a default setting, it is a positive mind, hiding from this doesn’t make it go away.: s: Y: H/ o# k% e, C" n" i

7 R. \. E: F5 k! F# u  ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvbBut my opinion is only small… fortunately this will go to court, and hopefully a court motivated by justice will give us a verdict on this arrest. And then what? Can we still realistically hold on to our views if the court deems no charges. I’m completely prepared to be wrong on this, likewise, those that find this topic challenging should also be prepared for me to be right.
7 d! B# @, x* T, ?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
* l: Z% d# F# c0 D! t5 los.tvboxnow.comAfter all , there are plenty of nice people that have fallen on the wrong side of history. It still doesn’t make them right cus they were nice guys!公仔箱論壇, L$ V1 R2 L" _: j' F
8 |1 m+ D+ Y% g+ {) O
Everyone living in Hong Kong is now being challenged, there is no escaping this, and when history plays out in front of you, we should not hide our heads in the sand and say, no don’t show me that because it’s too close to my world.
# T. g1 J1 f2 A0 u4 ~' s
0 L# x" R/ ]; G( T$ Etvb now,tvbnow,bttvb文、圖來自作者 Facebook,題為編者所加tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 q8 q8 d3 B2 i: C! r* d& @

7 i3 ]& {. U8 i8 w. A+ P3 f; U
  l( _  g) a$ [% ^& z4 s$ Q/ z& I2 R
) Q" `1 v0 [* o# m" @
+ g+ x7 V# p* P$ x  w; J6 q- A一句「唔好打人呀」 女子被警大力扯落地 頭撞燈柱入院
) Z% b: [2 |3 f& g% i* [. l

* _3 H" t' n6 e3 l* hos.tvboxnow.com昨晚的警民衝突中,警方多次使用過度武力對付佔領者,甚至連普通市民也不放過。
) C; w5 t& m" x. W5 W8 ~os.tvboxnow.com! d7 u/ B. E4 i/ O
讀者黃小姐向本報表示,她晚上收工後途經旺角,其實無意參與任何示威或衝突,只是碰巧見到警民在港鐵站外衝突,於是站在後面位置圍觀。因為見到警察打人,她下意識叫了一句「唔好打人呀」,兩名警員就立即向她說「你講咩野呀!」,然後用力扯她。黃小姐形容,警員情緒極度激動,她一生人無見過如此面目猙獰和恐佈的表情,「完全是殺紅了眼」。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; _% a% m0 l, U! _& e' G
os.tvboxnow.com. o9 v: I7 ^* ?3 C5 o4 C
兩名警員大力扯她,令她失重心跌向地上,期間頭部大力撞向電燈柱,發出「砰」一聲,被扯跌的過程亦被TVB鏡頭拍下(按此看短片,約1:10起)  p0 ~" }3 L7 J

/ m1 @8 j3 P' `9 ~! z! u6 Q+ Qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb黃小姐指,幸好即時有一個老伯把她拉走,否則肯定會被捕。她後來感到頭部相當疼痛,擔心會有腦震盪,而因為憂慮廣華醫院會有衝突,於是去了瑪麗醫院治理。醫生建議她醫院一天觀察。  v8 s5 ?$ a0 M9 v, i2 o
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 p; D& d: A+ `, d/ O8 Z9 X  `
" _3 }' k* w. {, \+ b, otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

% ]7 O; g' [  H& j2 w+ B
/ e# _1 b$ m2 k7 Y$ r, T3 m* d) Y  a. M; V" f; q
os.tvboxnow.com/ G8 R% j) T  L$ N! @
7 \) ]; X; ^+ |公仔箱論壇& y! n6 G0 o! q! w2 M
os.tvboxnow.com( ]3 k7 b! l! j" y

6 Y6 z. j* ^& C5 W) ^" l- q0 q! ^os.tvboxnow.com
! S. P5 l- L- `TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。「佔領行動」在過去兩個月令旺角地區的交通嚴重受阻,旺角彌敦道昨日完成清場行動後,全線恢復行車,警員在各主要路口戒備。昨晚逾2000名激進示威者響應網上號召,昨晚轉戰西洋菜南街,與警方爆發連場激戰,DBC數碼電台拍到警司揮警棍擊打市民後頸片段,並上載到FB被網民瘋傳,一名自稱是片段中被打的市民亦發帖表示:「好想知道個警察係邊個,等我可以投訴」。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 q3 Y7 t' \7 }0 w

  U% K# O. K( J
片段所見該名男子有按警員指示離開,亦未有作出挑釁或衝擊行為,一名警司卻在旁揮棍打向該名男子的後頸。一名自稱Osman Cheng 網友在FB上表示,自己是被警棍打中的「當事人」,他發帖敘述當時情況:「當時警察根本冇俾足夠空間俾市民離開,當時亦冇需用警棍,我亦中了21腳。我一真都企在行人路的靠牆一邊,並沒有衝擊,如果係咁,不如旺角宵禁啦,出街都唔俾。我好想知道個警察係邊個,等我可以投訴。」
0 T! |* R9 W8 x" Aos.tvboxnow.com3 ^* w0 S' r( `9 |3 {( x; z( e
公仔箱論壇" q# P& B, E# `! F4 `* y
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《蘋果》全程紀錄警司失控 街頭亂揮警棍毆打市民                    
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# }1 `1 M7 e7 ~& y( [關於旺角清場時警方濫用暴力襲擊手無寸鐵市民的個案,其中一宗,是DBC昨夜在彌敦道上海商業銀行外,拍到一名身穿白衣制服的警務人員,無故以警棍襲擊一名在片段中完全沒有衝擊意圖,只是一直向前行的男士的後頸/背部。os.tvboxnow.com. G* ^. ^( C$ W# _8 h# B: |
/ Z+ V5 }( N3 u9 ]& R# [  ~( |8 h
3 q) @8 ~3 s' U, f' itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb根據《蘋果日報》的報道,在場不少市民當時都驚慌失措,有男子被打中屬致命身體部分的後頸位置,另有不少市民被該名警務人員打中腰部及肩膀。有網民起底就指,這名肆意在鬧市襲擊市民的警務人員,竟是警司級的沙田分區指揮官朱經緯,此前曾任機動部隊教官。
# G9 Y3 A0 E* z* d, j. O' `' w, J  n2 j& K9 m
" Q( {  e, x( l2 m, u" g公仔箱論壇
, u5 G) P& v, \4 S公仔箱論壇(圖片來源:蘋果日報、DBC截圖)
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