日本平價時尚品牌 Uniqlo 于上個月正式宣布,將任命 NIGO 長尾智明擔任旗下 UT 系列的創意總監,消息一出便引起了廣泛的熱議,大家也都對全新的 UT 系列充滿了期待。最近知名時尚與生活資訊網站 Highsnobiety 便對于 NIGO 進行了訪問,共同探討他的全新角色。作爲品牌旗下首位創意總監,NIGO 將把自己多年來從事街頭時尚行業的經驗,以及獨到的審美理念,帶給這位正在不斷崛起的服裝巨頭,也爲品牌的全球化戰略注入更多新鮮元素。下面便帶來這次訪問的精彩片段,感興趣的朋友不妨前往 Highsnobiety 完整閱讀。How do you feel about being a part of Uniqlo?
I’m really pleased to be working on a project where it feels like there’s a lot of work for me. The scale of Uniqlo is global and it’s got customers all over the world. It’s a great project for me to do. And it’s a new kind of discipline to me, to make something that can have really broad appeal. In the past, I’ve been able to appeal to a very hardcore group and bring them to me, but now I have to learn to study broad customers and work for them.
What is the brand aesthetic and attitude that you want to bring to UT?
Basically, I’ve changed everything. I wanted to create a new standard for the brand, starting with the t-shirt itself. UT has been using the same shape and cut for a long time. All of them had side seams, and I wanted them to be tubular-knit. The quality was all good, but it looked good flat and [boxy] when you wore them. I wanted it to be [comfortable] and breathy when you wear them. From that point, [it was just] using the actual graphics and I’m used to working with graphics. |