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  • devil2007

It's sad... ... but the it's good that drama uses him to bring up the importance of organ donation and how it can save others' life~~~  now 一康 is living in 8 different individuals!
It's sad... ... but the it's good that drama uses him to bring up the importance of organ donation and how it can save others' life~~~  now 一康 is living in 8 different individuals!
" [- n, z1 G/ f. r1 c& dshiroikoala 發表於 2012-3-15 10:00 AM
) ~* w& Y/ j8 A* D$ K

% M) R7 @& Z7 [: t/ E& @5 _os.tvboxnow.com完全同意你所講
6 g8 O0 h; P0 m& \4 `4 o' C! Z; Wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
5 `3 A. z/ y  `2 Y" d$ l& btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb用一康殘而不廢既精神+器官捐贈就係佢死所帶出既價值
$ x' P! N/ h! {: ^/ X5 m5 H+ Y, O佢條命其實係1變8
maybe this is what tvb's scrpit wants..hahaha....if not how to end so fast...:)
最後晶晶推他去買啤酒 在轉角TAKE他燦爛的微笑 我就知道他死定了 真是夠了 太好猜...
ok la, 張一康 did not act that well in the series!
好慘ar, so sad!!!