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i wont buy MADE IN CHINA product...
All i can say is CHINA is a Disgrace of all the Chinese people....... hope the white people and other's around the world won't look down on Taiwanese and Hongkong people for this crap they made...... sometime when u see things like this u don't wanna be called as chinese.... If people ask me where are you from ... i'll love to tell them  im taiwanese.


  • yumiko123456

well tell u whatos.tvboxnow.com% {4 ?: j3 C# K# X7 h
these stuff don't just happen in CHINA
2 a( D: K* f' x: b) P. m7 o' W: }' bTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。it happen all around the world.
1 }, D2 t& J' |; G公仔箱論壇because everybody have different view of chinese people
; `5 V' l: A% `公仔箱論壇soon as we done something wrong they made top news and start making stupid comments about it.
; I' d% t7 J' g5 z7 I1 ubut when we done something good like 2008 Beijing Olympic, they don't give a dam **** about it.
: r+ t/ l/ {* K+ u* Mos.tvboxnow.comso really the whole world just looking down on China


  • yumiko123456

~My wishes Over The Airspace~
+ L# K# W- v# [, j中共内部的腐败!
1 L% {+ M# ~* w6 l" L% Mos.tvboxnow.com9 x% \. [, r' y. Q! G7 h4 @1 p

2 h+ S0 Q/ c, i7 q0 }6 Ros.tvboxnow.com有钱 = 杀害人民  


  • yumiko123456

回應 sys_kent 第 18 篇文章

Good point.
2 X2 C- ~. b9 }2 l$ ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvbWish everybody don't forget u are Chinese.

回應 yeemei 第 20 篇文章

thx, Chinece must support China
: m3 v; c1 i- j1 |: cotherwise everybody will look down on China.公仔箱論壇& J9 H, u2 _1 J' |; I" a/ x
things need time to improve for a developeing nations.
~My wishes Over The Airspace~
Good point.
外國人點看中國人都好, 全中國有13億人, 一人一元都13億
6 k$ l; a  {  A0 J; |  p2 A0 E& Y公仔箱論壇不過, 我是中國人, 我亦不信中國食品, 那就一毫子都沒了
7 R( o5 e( F" N. G! eTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。自己不長進, 能怪誰1 }# t2 M7 u2 u7 m( y
下一代不死, 都要變科學怪人啦

