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Bitcomet downloading question!

Can any one tell me how to use the auto shut down pc option on BT0.97?  I checked the option to shut down after everything is completed but it just keep uploading after it's done downloading, thanks for checking!tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ T+ U* R* v; p& a- {8 l

) r, n" z' U  e* @7 c0 X) V[ 本帖最後由 fairview 於 2008-1-17 03:10 PM 編輯 ]
did u save?

回復 #2 wjolene 的帖子

save what?

回復 #1 fairview 的帖子

hmm,after downloading finish,u need to stop it the file u dl,
  ]2 q/ n0 R0 D0 x8 `; ~% U! Q' z, Gos.tvboxnow.comthen only can shut down pc.
my japanese name
秋本 Akimoto (true autumn) 紅葉 Momiji (crimson blade)
原帖由 fairview 於 17/1/2008 09:16 AM 發表 公仔箱論壇' G" {1 X- M) z6 V. m
Can any one tell me how to use the auto shut down pc option on BT0.97?  I checked the option to shut down after everything is completed but it just keep uploading after it's done downloading, thanks f ...
1 I. l7 j% v& x
bitcomet 暂时还没有自动关机这个function....TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, ~) w! }6 }* w+ l
p/s这:个主题你应该去 http://www.tvbnow.com/forum-20-1.html 发帖...:onion18:- A7 h- u! k3 m+ W) j& y

回復 #1 fairview 的帖子

Hello Friends.
( Z: j# X6 o* mos.tvboxnow.comBit-torrent is for sharing. You should keep your computer on for a while after completion so that other people can completed their files.
Question:  how can i dl from the tv section?  i have bitcomet.98  and it doesn't convert and can't read the file and ththerefore doesnt' dl3 n+ D4 f. P$ ~( x" L7 |; D. m
someone please give me some advise?
4 k* b# g, J* z, {TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。thanks!!!!

回復 #7 crystal1985 的帖子

u need u wan dl the drama or movie at tv section isit ? u need to dl the torrent on the tv section first , then u just use the torrent for dl the drama or movie.." h, Q4 R9 m7 e% y: }) v

3 N% @% q! z" j7 d; vand the bitcomet is no have the function that u wan , u can go find other program for shut down the pc by setting the time ..
