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本来对这套剧的期望不高,因为故事题材有点没有新意~~~' v; f& x- H& l# p  K; S
1 q4 \" J/ C, t+ u公仔箱論壇继续支持~~~
係幾好笑既 !!!
幾好笑既................nt bad..
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it's pretty funny
本帖最後由 shiroikoala 於 2012-1-10 06:01 PM 編輯 % g! b1 v8 c7 v- i0 U2 w& m

' M/ J9 Q/ E3 w7 o公仔箱論壇I don't really like watching 胡杏儿 too... but I think her acting in this drama makes me feel comfortable while watching.  In a way, I think this drama is kinda fun to watch!
9# shiroikoala
, T* U8 y/ }# K; l( z
4 b7 k+ |( v# Z8 o6 w' c4 @# a5 Uos.tvboxnow.comyes,but after the previous one, which is better and make people in happy mood.
We need happy , especially in the year end.
胡杏儿演得better then her others very much
yes it is funny and better now
yes is very funny